Mighty Desktop

Binary File Viewer





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Sometimes there are suspicious files in your system that are filled with binary data. Executable files contain a mix of characters and executable code while database files contain a mix of characters and other binary numbers. Binary File Viewer, a part of the System Safety tab, lets you safely view the content of any file in your system by filtering the printable characters and displaying them in a textbox. If you are not sure what an executable does, as in the case of malicious code, the strings inside can reveal what the actual purpose of the file is. The list of used Windows calls will show up and if they have nothing to do with the title of the app, GOTCHA!

View Content

Unicode sequences as well as ASCII strings will be decoded and displayed. You can choose to only show ASCII characters (Codes 0..255) or only identifiers. Program identifiers are words made from ASCII characters and '_', but newer languages also allow identifiers with umlauts (eg. "äöü.."). Only identifiers of at least 2 characters are shown here, to see clearer. With this method system calls, assembly manifests and signatures are revealed too.

If the file is extremely big, more than 1 MB, only 500 kB of the start and end are listed. But you can get the whole text by writing it to a file.

View Strings

This only works for programs (exes, dlls) or program resource files.

In case of an original Windows file (Win32), all strings in the file can be listed. All found strings (including resource names) are listed grouped by culture. The current culture or the first one with the same primary language is always listed on top. For example, if there are only strings of the culture "en-UK" (United Kingdom) and your Windows is "en-US" (United States), the UK strings will be listed first (similar language).

You can also peek into .NET assemblies. All strings are listed first and then for some of the common other resources the name is shown.


  • Hold [Ctrl] when pressing a button to export the result into a temporary file. In this case there are no limits on the size of the output.

  • Texts like for example error messages can be copied out

  • Tight integration: You can start the viewer with just one click from the File Explorer and also from panels and file boxes inside Mighty Desktop.



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