Mighty Desktop 2.2 Command Line Help ==================================== - Start: Use "Start /B /Wait "WindowTitle" "Mighty Desktop.exe" ...". Otherwise it will run simultaneously and ERRORLEVEL can't be returned. - Arguments (case insensitive): Actions Lists the name of all actions in the 'Actions' tab Action actionName {placeholder:value} Executes one of the actions of the list in the 'Actions' tab. You can specify values for the placeholders you used in the action. Command commandName {placeholder:value} Executes the Mighty Command with this name. You can specify values for the placeholders you used in the command. Resume [Cancel] Activates the resume function of the tab 'Suspend-Resume' or cancels it TitleCase {file | folder} Change the letter case of the given items to title case ReplaceDots {file | folder} Replace '.' and '_' to ' ' in the name of the given items ReplaceDashes {file | folder} Replace '-' to ' ' in the name of the given items Compare [file1 [file2]] [/compareContent] [/evenIfDifferentLengths] [/maxDifferences] Compare two files. If you don't specify 'file2' you can browse for it interactively. If you specify 'compareContent' the whole content will be compared (default is yes). If you specify 'evenIfDifferentLengths' the content will be compared even if the files are of different lengths (default is no). The default for 'maxDifferences' is 10. Without arguments MD will be opened and switched to the 'File Comparer' tab. Scan {folder | file | pattern} [for (Defects | MD5 | .. | BOM) Scans the items. If a type is specified the process is started else an MD will be opened and switched to the 'File Scanner' tab. Stamp {folder | file | pattern} [Creation:[Stamp]] [Modification:[Stamp]] Puts the files, folders and stamps into the fields of 'File Stamper'. If all necessary fields are specified the action is run otherwise the tab is displayed and input awaited. RepairStamps {folder | file | pattern} Puts the files and folders into the fields of 'File Stamper' and repairs the stamps. If all necessary fields are specified the action is run otherwise the tab is displayed and input awaited. Analyze [BiggestFiles | Listing] [folder {FileSize:[from]-[to] | FolderSize:[from]-[to] | FileFilter:pattern | H:bool | ListFolders:bool | FolderFormat:pattern | ListFoldersIfNotEmpty:bool | ListFoldersExcluded:pattern | ListFiles:bool | FileFormat:pattern | ListSize:bool | ListModStamp:bool | ModStampFormat:pattern | Properties:string | ListSubfolders:bool | HeaderFormat:pattern | Indentation:string | ColSep:string | QuoteValues:bool | Output:pattern }] Switches to the 'Folder Analyzer' tab. If you specify a folder it will start scanning this folder. StringHunter [folder [pattern [searchString]]] [in {Name | Content}] [[sizeFrom]-[sizeTo]] /Pattern /Regex /Case /Word /Line MD switches to the 'StringHunter' tab. If you specify some arguments it will use (or create) a find instruction called 'File Explorer', put the arguments folder into its fields and start the hunt. Default search is in name and content. Rename {folder | file | pattern} MD switches to the 'File Renamer' tab. If you specify some arguments they will be evaluated and the pathnames will be put into the list. The cursor will be set to the 'Find String' field. Copy {folder | file | pattern} [to destinationPath] [Overwrite:Mode] [/AllowModification] [/IgnoreR] [/OmitEmpty] [/Verify] [/AtReboot] Copying of items. If you specify some patterns they will be evaluated and the resulting pathnames added to the list. If you also specify a 'destinationPath' it will put this into the corresponding box. If enough data is there the operation will be started immediateley, otherwise the 'File Copier' tab will be shown and the cursor set to the 'Destination Folder' box. Move {folder | file | pattern} [to destinationPath] [Overwrite:Mode] [/AllowModification] [/IgnoreR] [/OmitEmpty] [/Verify] [/Trash] [/AtReboot] Moving of items. If you specify some patterns they will be evaluated and the resulting pathnames added to the list. If you also specify a 'destinationPath' it will put this into the corresponding box. If enough data is there the operation will be started immediateley, otherwise the 'File Copier' tab will be shown and the cursor set to the 'Destination Folder' box. CopyMove {folder | file | pattern} [to destinationPath] [Overwrite:Mode] [/AllowModification] [/IgnoreR] [/OmitEmpty] [/Verify] [/Trash] [/AtReboot] Copying or Moving of items. In contrast to 'copy' and 'move' it will not start the operation (as would '/StayBefore'). Split [file [(Length:l | Parts:p) [AtLineEnd] [outputPathPatterns]]] Splits a file into either parts of length 'l' or in 'p' parts. 'outputPathPatterns' is used to form the output pathnames. Without arguments the File Splitter dialog is displayed. Concat {folder | file | pattern} [to outputPathName] MD will first switch to the 'Concat' tab. If you specify some patterns they will be evaluated and the pathnames will be put in the list. If you specify an 'outputPathName' it will put this in the corresponding box. If all fields for the operation are filled the concatenation will start in mode 'Ask'. Otherwise the cursor will be set to the 'OutputPathName' box. Convert [conversiontype] {folder | file | pattern} [from oldEncoding] [to newEncoding] [BOM bomSequence]] [/IgnoreR] [/Trash] Converts the specified files. Encoding arguments can be either the technical name or the localized display name. Use 'Auto' as symbol that MD should make a guess. Without files the Text Converter dialog is displayed. TrashEmpty {folder | file} [/S] Checks each of the arguments whether they are of size 0. If they are, they will be thrown in the trash. With '/S' in case of a folder all its subfolders in depth will also be checked. PlaceInOwnFolder {file} Creates a new subfolder with the same name as the file and moves it inside Unwrap folder {folder} Moves all items inside the folder up to the parent and trashes the folder if empty MoveUp {folder | file} Moves all the items up to the parent folder and finally trashes the folder of the items even if it is not empty. All items must stem from the same folder. CleanTempDirs [beforeDateTime] [beforeDays] Cleans the system's temporary directories from files older than 'beforeDateTime' or older than 'beforeDays' days. If nothing is specified older than 7 days. CleanDuplicates [folder [lookupFolder [filterExpression]] [CompareContent:bool] [CompareName:bool]] [/Verbose] Cleans duplicates in a folder optionally looking up in another one (runs the 'Duplicate Cleaner'). Default of 'CompareContent' is yes, the one of 'CompareName' no. Truncate {duplicate} [/ToTrash] [/Verbose] Sets the size of the duplicate (file or folder) to 0 (runs the 'Duplicate Truncator'). TruncateDuplicates [oneDuplicate] [[from]-[to]] [/FromFromTheEnd] [/ToFromTheEnd] [/ToTrash] [/Verbose] Sets the size of the duplicates of the series that contains 'oneDuplicate' to 0 (runs the 'Duplicate Truncator'). 'from' and to' are not strongly checked, it will be processed what can be found in the range. VerifyIntegrity [dataOrIntegrityFile] [dataOrIntegrityFile] Verifies whether the integrity of a binary data file has been compromised. To guarantee that the producer published an additional textual file containing either a signature or a hash of the binary file. The order in which the files have to be specified is not relevant because the smaller file will be taken as the integrity file. If only the datafile is specified the integrity file will be searched for firstly by appending and secondly by replacing one of the extensions '.sig', '.txt', '.hsh' or '.asc'. Without arguments the verify dialog is brought up. ViewBinary [file] Shows the file in Binary File Viewer BackupSets Lists the names of all backup sets Backup [backupSetName] [/PreventOlder] [/CompareContent] [/ShowNothingToDo] [/Verify] [/Trash] Executes the backup set with this name or just shows the Backup tab. Default for 'PreventOlder' is yes, all others no. '/Q' skips the window with the steps. AddToQuickItems {folder | file} Adds all the items as one list to a new QuickItem. Use '/Q' to avoid the activation of the QuickItems tab. Protect {file} ["Off" | "Block" | "PreventModification"] Adds all the files to File Protector with the given protection. If a file is already present only the protection is changed. Without arguments the File Protector dialog is displayed. CleanTempFolders [DateTime] Deletes all temporary data older than DateTime in the folders for temporary data. A week is the default. ClearClipboardRecorder Clears the items list of the Clipboard Recorder Delete {file | folder} [/IgnoreR] Deletes the items permanently even if the paths are long. Read-only flags are checked. Trash {file | folder} Moves the items to the trash even if the paths are long. Read-only flags are checked. Undoable. Eject [/Force] {path} Ejects the specified USB volumes. Examples for 'path' are "G:", "G:\", "G:\Folder\File", "VolumeName" or "VolumeName (G:)". ScanForOpenFiles [nameFilter] /Regex Shows the 'Open Files Viewer'. If 'nameFilter' is given it will be used and the scanning started. EmptyTrashBin {path} Empties the trash bin of only the specified volumes. Examples for 'path' are "G:", "G:\", "G:\Folder\File", "VolumeName" or "VolumeName (G:)". InstalledPrograms Navigates to the tab and refreshes the list UndoLastFileOps Undos all the rename and move operations of the last batch RedoLastFileOps Repeats all the rename and move operations of the last batch RepairBlankIcons Repairs blank icons on the Windows Desktop MaxProcesses number Sets the maximum amount of queue processes to LongProcessingLimit number Sets the length limit above which processes are added to the queue ProcessFinishedAction (name | Default) [ActionArguments] Sets the name of the action that is executed at each finished processing. 'Default' inserts the localized default name. ProcessFinishedActionEnabled bool Sets whether the action at each finished processing is executed or not ProcessFinishedActionAlsoForLastEnabled bool Sets whether the action at each finished processing is executed also for the last or not QueueFinishedAction (name | Default) [ActionArguments] Sets the name of the action that is executed when the queue gets empty. 'Default' inserts the localized default name. WaitUntilProcessIdle (PID | Name | Stop) Starts waiting until the process with the id resp. the Name is idle and then executes the Process Idle Action. 'Stop' cancels the current wait. ProcessIdleAction (name | Default) [ActionArguments] Sets the name of the action that is executed when a process gets idle. 'Default' inserts the localized default name. IsQueueEmpty Returns ERRORLEVEL 0 if the Process Queue is empty, otherwise ERRORLEVEL 1 SetAudioVolume number Sets the volume of the main audio device to % RestartDesktop Restarts the Windows Desktop gently Startup Used when Mighty Desktop should start at the computer's boot process. Similar to 'Resume'. SaveSettings Instructs the main server to save the settings Abort Aborts all processes. Partial output is removed. EndMainServer Ends the main server instance (first Mighty Desktop instance) ClearLog Clears the content of the 'Log' panel Exit Ends all client Mighty Desktop instances and then the main server - Overwrite modes: Ask, AppendNumber, Overwrite, ReplaceInput, Elsewhere, Skip - Options anywhere on the command line: /Activate[:bool] True: If the main window is visible (see /Show), it will be restored if it was minimized and brought to the front. False (default): No change on the windows current state. /D Process directories as themselves, don't expand them into the files inside /Q Does it quietly without asking something and without a confirmation window or messagebox with the reply /Resume[:bool] The function 'Resume' from the tab 'Suspend-Resume' will be executed as last /S Enumerate items in subfolders as well /Show[:bool] True: Will show the main window during the processing False: No change in the window state /Stay[:bool] Will go to interactive mode after processing the command line /StayBefore[:bool] The command line arguments will be put into the dialog's fields but then go to interactive mode instead of directly executing an operation /Tray[:bool] Will send the main window to the Windows™ Tray directly. The processing of the command line is done in the tray. Add '/Stay' to keep it running there. You can control the default behavior in the 'Settings' tab. - ERRORLEVEL: See "Start" section. Possible codes: 1 Exception has occurred - Log: Technical error and status messages are written to the log file in the "%appdata%\Atlas Informatik\Mighty Desktop" directory. - Pausing/Aborting: The processing can be paused by [Pause] and aborted by [Ctrl][Break].