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DualTypeCalc™ Examples




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Here are some examples of calculations that you can do with the DualTypeCalc™ in Mighty Desktop's Calcuverter tab.

NumberBase = 10 = 10
AngleUnit = Degrees = 1
AllowTypeConversion = true = 1

2+3*5 = 17
2*(3+4) = 14
-1.3e4M+3 = -12,999,999,997
-3^3 = -27
-3^3 = -27
-3^2 = 9
1e4 = 10,000
-1e4 = -10,000
-1e4k = -10,000,000
-1e4M = -10,000,000,000
-1e4M+3 = -9,999,999,997
-1.3e4M+3 = -12,999,999,997
-1.3e4M+3 = -12,999,999,997
2^63 = 9,223,372,036,854,780,000
1e20*100 = 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
23 MOD 3 = 2
sgn(-39) = -1
sgn(0) = 0
sgn(+39) = 1
sgn(pi) = 1
ABS(0x34 & 0x23 * 2033 +333) = 65,389
ABS(~(0x34 & 0x23 * 2033 +333)) = 4,294,901,906
~(0x34 & 0x23 * 2033 +333) = 4,294,901,906
Abs(-45645) = 45,645
int(-2.8) = -3
Trunc(-2.8) = -2
Ceil(10.1) = 11
274 AND 29 = 16
INT(e) = 2
5% of 100 = 5
100 - 10% - 10% = 81
100 - 200% = -100
100 + 10% + 10% = 121
100% + 20% = 120%
100% - 20 = -19
100% - 30% = 70%
2 * 5% of 100 MOD 3 = 1
5! = 120
(1 + 2)! = 6
fac(10) = 3,628,800
RND(7, 8) = 7
5! + 3% = 123.6
-2 * -25 -> -7 * -7 = 98% // Percentage change from x -> y
Percent(50, 49) = -2 // Percentage change from x -> y
ncr(20;8) = 125,970
npr(20;8) = 5,079,110,400
¼ + ½ + ¾ = 1.5

NumberBase = 2 = 2

Root(27;3) = 3
x = 20 § y=30 § z=sqr(x^2 + y^2) § = 36.0555127546399
Sqrt(16) = 4
pi = 3.14159265358979
e = 2.71828182845905
394*-(Root(10394; 4)^2) = -40,168.6816313406
(Root(10394; 4)^2+Log2(293e3)-Floor(9.3^3)) = -683.888490253452
EXP(Sqrt(394)*384.39/20+269100-394*-(Root(10394; 4)^2+Log2(293e3)-INT(9.3^3))) = 6,049,654,752,152.07
LN(393) = 5.97380961186926
@ / Log10(248) = 2.49485494307739
log10(1000) = 3
ln(e^10) = 10
log(256; 2) = 8
log2(256) = 8
max(1e100;2000;3000000) = 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,......,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
min(1e100;2000;3000000) = 2,000
Avg(100; 200; 300) = 200
Round(-1.8) * ABS(---Pi) = -6.28318530717959
Remainder(19; 5) = 4
IEEERemainder(19; 5) = -1
2e100 * 3e100 = 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,.....000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Office Automation

ToOACurrency(0.001) = 10
FromOACurrency(20) = 0.002


AngleUnit = Radians = 2
asin(0.5) = 0.523598775598299
atan(0.5) = 0.463647609000806
AngleUnit = Degrees = 1
asin(0.5) = 30
acos(0.5) = 60
atan(0.5) = 26.565051177078
SIN(20) = 0.342020143325669
COS(20) = 0.939692620785908
TAN(20) = 0.363970234266202
SINH(20) = 0.356197932400012
COSH(20) = 1.06154461378034
tanH(20) = 0.335546832206639
atan2(100;200) = 26.565051177078
sin(cos(tan(asin(acos(atan(sinh(cosh(tanh(20))))))))) = 0.0174516535721393
Remainder(19; 5) = 4
IEEERemainder(19; 5) = -1

10° 20' 30" = 10.3416666666667
10° 20' = 10.3333333333333
10°30" = 10.0083333333333
10° = 10
sin(10°20'30") = 0.179517669164082

Math in 'Decimal'

NumberBase = 10 = 10
Root(27;3) = 2.9999999999999999999999999993
x = 20 § y=30 § z=sqr(x^2 + y^2) § = 36.0555127546399
Sqrt(16) = 4
pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433833
e = 2.7182818284590452353602874714
394*-(Root(10394; 4)^2) = -40,168.681631340816
(Root(10394; 4)^2+Log2(293e3)-Floor(9.3^3)) = -683.888490253452
EXP(Sqrt(394)*384.39/20+269100-394*-(Root(10394; 4)^2+Log2(293e3)-INT(9.3^3))) = 6,049,654,752,725.203386440362694
LN(393) = 5.9738096118692612355446692481
@ / Log10(248) = 2.4948549430773944463102546769
log10(1000) = 3
ln(e^10) = 10
log(256; 2) = 7.999999999999999999999999997
log2(256) = 7.999999999999999999999999999
max(1e100;2000;3000000) = 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,00......000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
min(1e100;2000;3000000) = 2,000
Avg(100; 200; 300) = 200
Round(-1.8) * ABS(---Pi) = -6.2831853071795864769252867666
Remainder(19; 5) = 4
IEEERemainder(19; 5) = -1
2e14 * 3e14 = 60,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
DecimalMax * 2 = 158,456,325,028,529,000,000,000,000,000 // Converted to 'Double'

Trigonometry in 'Decimal'

AngleUnit = Radians = 2
asin(0.5) = 0.5235987755982988730771072304
atan(0.5) = 0.463647609000806116214256231
AngleUnit = Degrees = 1
asin(0.5) = 29.999999999999999999999999988
acos(0.5) = 60.000000000000000000000000012
atan(0.5) = 26.565051177077989351572193698
SIN(20) = 0.3420201433256687330440996145
COS(20) = 0.9396926207859083840541092772
TAN(20) = 0.3639702342662023613510478826
SINH(20) = 0.3561979324000116964713479787
COSH(20) = 1.0615446137803362724374243298
tanH(20) = 0.3355468322066388105716227373
atan2(100;200) = 26.565051177077989351572193698
sin(cos(tan(asin(acos(atan(sinh(cosh(tanh(20))))))))) = 0.0174516535721392675872455194
10° 20' 30" = 10.341666666666666666666666666
10° 20' = 10.333333333333333333333333333
10°30" = 10.008333333333333333333333333
sin(10°20'30") = 0.1795176691640822206959358789
x=10 § y=20 § atan2(x; y) = 26.565051177077989351572193698
NumberBase = 2 = 2
AngleUnit = Degrees = 1

Boolean Logic

~0xFE = 4,294,967,041
~~0xFE = 254
0x34 & 0x23 = 32
0x34 & 0x23 * 2033 + 333 = 65,389
0xFF = 255
NOT(0xFF) = 4,294,967,040
%1001011 | %1100100 = 111 // 1101111
0xFF AND 0xaa OR 0xF = 175
~0xFF | 0x03 = 4,294,967,043
(~0xFF | 0x03) & 0x01 = 1
(~0xFF | 0x03) XOR 0x01 = 4,294,967,042
%0011 | %1100 = 15
%0011 XOR %0010 = 1
%10100110 OR %010110101001 = 1,455
$C001 + $2A = 49,195
%1010 << 2 * 3 >> 1 = 320


1 kB = 1,024
5kb = 5,120
1 MB = 1,048,576
1 GB = 1,073,741,824
1 TB = 1,099,511,627,776
82,984,020 / 1 MB = 79.1397285461426


SalesTax = 7.25% = 7.25%
371.40 * SalesTax = 26.9265
SalesTax = = 0
x=30 § y=40 § x+y = 70
x=10 § y=20 § atan2(x; y) = 26.565051177078
x=40 § x+30 § y=10 § @+y = 80

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