Mighty Desktop

File Splitter





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To avoid limits on cloud storage, mail systems or external drives you can split a huge file into smaller parts. This can be done with any files and binary content is no problem.

The special ability of File Splitter (of the 'File Center' tab) is to be able to write the parts to multiple drives. For example if you have a huge backup file but none of your backup drives has enough free space you can let File Splitter distribute it to multiple drives. Features:

  • Specify multiple folders in the 'Output Path Patterns' box by separating them by '|'. File Splitter will automatically skip to the next free drive in the list if a drive gets full.

  • Can either enter the desired size or desired number of parts

  • Can specify the first part number

  • Part lengths can be easily equalized by a button press, either up or down

  • Textfiles can be split at line ends to avoid getting partial lines. Especially useful for CSV and log files. Most text editors have limits for the text size. With this you can split a too large file into smaller parts. Line ends can be either a CR+LF or also a single CR or LF.

  • No size limits, files can be greater than 4 GB, also the parts

  • Can be put aside and resumed in the middle of the process, even for a reboot of the machine

  • The names for the parts can be specified freely by patterns (history dropdown available)

  • Checks beforehand if the total available free space on all the specified drives is sufficient

  • Same operation is re-executable with a single click

  • Cleans up all the written parts at an abort or re-execution. This has the lovely effect that if you modify the split and choose to reduce the number of parts the superfluous parts of the previous attempt will automatically be removed.

  • Output name production and overwrite checks for all the output parts are done before the process is even started. This way you can't get an error message at the last part for example.

  • Automatic temporary unprotection of the source file if it's one that is protected by File Protector.

  • You can also activate the splitting by right-clicking on a file in File Explorer or by command line

Note: File Splitter just splits the pure content of a file. If the file is in a complex format like MP4 or MP3 the parts itself are not playable. If you would like to do this you can use our other tool Multimedia Xpert. It can split probably any video, audio and subtitle file on the planet into playable parts. It supports more than 350 different file formats. As for PDF files there is something on the ToDo list for Mighty Desktop, but not yet implemented.


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