Mighty Desktop

Installed Programs





Permanent Apps
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Installed Programs
File Copier
File Renamer
File Comparer
Duplicate Cleaner
File Scanner
Folder Analyzer
File Splitter
File Concatenator
Drive Speed
Dictionary Merge
File Stamper
Duplicate Truncator
String Hunter™
Unit Converter
DateTime Calculator
Currency Converter
Text Expert
Text Converter
Clipboard Recorder
Window List
Process List
Open Files
Process Variations
Process Functions
System Safety Functions
Seed Enigma™
Verify Integrity
File Monitor
Binary File Viewer
File Protector
Data Refresher
Windows™ Extensions
Environment Variables
Command Shell
Locate Command
Error Codes
Diagnose Start Problems
Desktop Shortcut
Process Queue
Explorer Integration
General Features
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This is an extended version of the Windows® control panel 'Programs and Features' that corrects some shortcomings and adds new features:

  • The list is automatically refreshed after a program was installed or uninstalled

  • There is a filter field that can be used to condense the many entries. Filtering can also be done on the installation date and time. Furthermore, you can position on a program name in the filtered list by typing the beginning of 'Name'.

  • Sophisticated heuristics are used to find the installation location of each program. This then allows all file properties to be displayed or double clicked to start. This elaborate heuristic finds many more installation locations than the control panel.

  • The real folder sizes are displayed. At the beginning the size of the folder estimated by the installer is shown. Then, in the background, the actual sizes of each folder are determined and displayed. In the Windows app, not even an estimate is displayed for some installations. With this you can find heavy weights easily and uninstall them.

  • The Windows app does not show the correct installation date in some cases. This is corrected here. But be careful: Due to the lack of online documentation for the Windows app, we cannot guarantee this to 100 %.

  • The installation date is precise up to the time of day, not only one day. This is then useful if multiple installs and uninstalls were done at the same day.

  • The installation folder can be opened by a double click.

  • A simple button press a web search for the program with exactly the displayed version. The search pattern can be freely configured in the program settings.

  • All properties of the executable file are displayed in a tooltip. You can also get them in textual form in a text window, for example for copying out the internet address or phone number of the support.

  • If the executable file was found, you can also let File Explorer display its properties dialog.

  • If you see an unknown program and want to check what it is used for you can send it to Binary File Viewer with a single click
  • The path to the registry key, under which all information about the program is stored, is listed (especially for programmers). Often they are in nodes with a GUID as name, and thus hard to find. You can just double-click the path and regedit (Registry Editor) will be positioned on it. Note that this uses a Microsoft helper tool which only works in Windows 10 or higher. Also, sometimes you need to start it twice.

  • The selected lines can be copied to the clipboard or dragged into a text editor. For each program, the name, version, installation location, installation date, etc. are listed.

  • Programs can be uninstalled directly by a button press, just like in the Windows app.

  • The original Windows® "Programs and Features" dialog can be opened at the click of a button.

Listing of installed programs

A textual listing of all programs can be generated. It can be selected individually what you want to have in the list. Very useful before reinstalling the OS to remember which program and version was installed and in which folder and from which setup:



  • If the path of the executable program is not found by the heuristic, or the wrong executable, you can help by adding a shortcut with the name of the program to the start menu or to the Desktop. Shortcuts are also examined by the heuristic. In addition there is also a table downloaded daily from the Atlas Server that ties the name of an executable to its corresponding product name in the uninstallation control panel. Please send us pairs you would like to have added using the feedback button in the About dialog. This way all users of Mighty Desktop can profit.

  • This list of Installed Programs can also be accessed by right-clicking on the Notification icon in the Windows tray. Also from the command line. And there is a Mighty Command for it. Using the Desktop Shortcut tab, you can, for example, place a shortcut on the desktop that displays this list.

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