Atlas Informatik

Mighty Desktop





Permanent Apps
Quick Items
Installed Programs
File Copier
File Renamer
File Comparer
Duplicate Cleaner
File Scanner
Folder Analyzer
File Splitter
File Concatenator
Drive Speed
Dictionary Merge
File Stamper
Duplicate Truncator
String Hunter™
Unit Converter
DateTime Calculator
Currency Converter
Text Expert
Text Converter
Clipboard Recorder
Window List
Process List
Open Files
Process Variations
Process Functions
System Safety Functions
Seed Enigma™
Verify Integrity
File Monitor
Binary File Viewer
File Protector
Data Refresher
Windows™ Extensions
Environment Variables
Command Shell
Locate Command
Error Codes
Diagnose Start Problems
Desktop Shortcut
Process Queue
Explorer Integration
General Features
Buy License
3rd Party Reviews





Boost the Power of your Desktop

Mighty Desktop is an extremely powerful suite, full of functions that combine the functionality of some other tools and a lot of new things in a top modern and improved form to enhance the Windows® desktop a lot. Mighty Desktop could also be called a "Hyper Tool". It's basically an extension for Windows® that you should install immediately after you installed Windows on a PC. It will boost the abilities of your Windows Desktop by a huge factor and at the same time serves as an automation base. It increases the productivity of you and your team daily by a lot. It's intended to be used for business as well as home users. It was created in response to all the things that have long been missing in daily work.

Mighty Desktop is a top state of the art product programmed using the most modern programming technology and programming language. The following lists the features:

Ease of Work

Calculations and Conversions

System Safety

Information Retrieval

Control and Automation



General goodies

  • Common features of Mighty Desktop are listed here
  • Running resp. opening of files in boxes with two clicks
  • Opening of a Windows Explorer window directly on any of the involved files resp. directories
  • Direct switch over to Atlas Subtitler, the best tool for downloading subtitles for videos from web servers
  • Direct call of the best tool for converting videos, audios and subtitles, Multimedia Xpert, another of our versatile tools.


.NET Framework 4.8 will be automatically downloaded if not present on your machine (it's already preinstalled on the most systems). The app is tested up to Windows 11.


As always Atlas Informatik commits to highest quality standards to provide The Atlas Xperience™, a software standard far above the average:

  • Widespread Drag & Drop: Dragging files or entire folders onto the app, draging files from one datagrid to another, rearranging grid rows and columns by drag & drop, copying and pasting grid rows to and from other applications, dragging data to other apps, all possible (please note that Windows doesn't let you drag & drop between programs of different privilege levels)

  • The state of the app is almost completely preserved when you close and reopen it. Almost all in- and outputs are preserved. This includes in particular all window sizes, zoom factors, column order and configurations of data grids, undoable operations, content of the protocol panel, content of the Process Queue and much more. Active processings are automatically paused and continued when the app is restarted.

  • File Explorer integration: The possibility to call functions directly from within File Explorer resp. the Windows Desktop by right clicking and on the other hand the possibility to open a File Explorer window on any pathname.

  • Popup functions on path boxes to insert a file or folder's path. Note that you can hold [Shift] to insert the path without quote characters.

  • File system scanning operations are done directly by Windows-Calls instead of .NET Framework's which makes them quicker by a factor of more than 20 compared to common .NET programs

  • Lots of sophisticated checks are built in to discover input errors at the earliest point in time. For example all datagrids will be checked for duplicates and the letter case is updated according to the one that the file has.

  • Resizable and zoomable windows wherever it is useful

  • File operations with retry boxes in case a file is in use by another process

  • Some file operations will automatically reconnect network drives that were disconnected by Windows or driver faults

  • Multi-monitor awareness: Opened windows that are partially outside the monitor are automatically brought back. This works correctly even if you have multiple monitors of different resolutions joined to one big area. The monitor where the app was started from is the home monitor. Especially useful for presenters, and also when saved window states of another monitor configuration are reused.

  • A clear and easily understandable UI that tries to join the user's thinking and presents him all functions that could be useful. Usable with the fewest keystrokes and clicks possible.

  • A lot of tooltips everywhere which make the software intuitively usable and explain goodies

  • Context-sensitive help on the Internet, which is constantly updated

  • Log output that makes the program's logic understandable and can be reviewed later on

  • If problems are reported, special care has been taken to ensure that the messages are meaningful and explain in an understandable way why something was not possible (unlike usual)

  • Any displayed output can be selected and copied to the clipboard

  • Tables that are downloaded from our server, improved on a daily basis

  • Automatic update delivery system in the background, no manual checks necessary

  • Online web pages with lots of informations

  • Fully language-translatable UI without the need for program changes

  • Use of the most advanced programming language, most advanced UI technology and most advanced architecture scheme MVVM (C#, WPF, MVVM)

  • Unit tested, failure proof and robust programming wherever possible, a software you can rely on

  • Updates with new features and fixes over a long period of time

  • Bug sending system (if you agree)

  • Written by a long time professional, a certified senior software engineer of the highest degree.

See more at The Atlas Xperience™.


Mighty Desktop is Freemium. It will always run for free and get data updates from our server daily. Some advanced features are only available with a premium license for a decent price. In your first 30 days of testing you will be granted the premium status. This way you can start testing the full functionality without any administrative hurdle. After this phase the program will continue to run but without the advanced features. A premium license can be purchased in the Online Shop at a modest price. The payment process is very easy and can be made by PayPal, Skrill, Bitcoin, Ether, Revolut, credit cards or bank wire. In case of an online payment the license is activated immediately.

Current price: Basic version is free of charge. Premium 1 user approx. USD 14 / year (currently approx. EUR 13, CHF 14).

There are also attractively priced domain licenses for a larger number of users, which simplifies the registration process enormously.


Related Software

  • Atlas Subtitler: Download subtitles to videos, synchronize (shift) subtitles, prepare subtitles for a certain video player, manage your list of seen movies and much more

  • Multimedia Xpert: Convert videos, burn subtitles, extract audio, extract subtitles, add subtitle streams and much more

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