Version History =============== - V2.2: New: - Test Drive Capacity functionality in System Safety Functions. Can reveal fake drives and display the true amount of data that can be stored on a drive. - File Copier: You can now drop folders on the button "Files…" and it will all files in these folders - File Monitor: New button "Who has this open?" - File Renamer: - New treatment part "FileName up to ." - If find type is 'Regex' escape sequences in the replacement string are interpreted - Folder Analyzer: - Total size of the selected items is displayed below - Generate Listing: You can now specify multiple folder patterns that should be excluded from the listing. Especially useful for Linux drives. - Scheduler: At adding a Quick Event you can save the new list to drive by holding [Alt] - String Hunter: - If find type is 'Regex' escape sequences in the replacement string are interpreted - Shift-double-clicking the filename opens the file like a double-click in File Explorer - System File Checker: New button for viewing the Log - System Safety Functions: The buttons for the Microsoft Safety Scanner and Microsoft Malware Removal Tool had to be removed. They are dangerous. They just delete all Atlas products because they can't look inside and think they are dangerous. That's not how professional antivirus software should behave. Firstly the user should be given a choice, secondly the software should be moved to a quarantine zone, not deleted without warning. Thirdly, correctly digitally signed software should never be removed without warning. We recommend not to use this software because it can harm your installations and lead to long reinstallation time losses. - Text Expert: New conversion 'Encode URL Original' that does the same as the 'Encode URL' before, but now 'Encode URL' makes an improved conversion. - Toolbox: New option to make the Countdown restart (cyclic signal) - Window Bot: New column "Multiple Windows?" to allow an action to be run for multiple windows of the same process - Command 'Analyze Listing' can run without dialogs and has more parameters to fill fields - Arguments: Use '§\n§' and '§\t§' in a value to get a line break or TAB. - Atlas apps process now also special chars like '½' or '‰' where floating point numbers are requested - Color specifications can now also be like "11;12;12;14" not only with comma Improvements: - Resume wait pattern for a folder will be fulfilled even if the folder is empty - Backup Steps Window message if folder action is applied to file and also not activating the main window anymore - DualTypeCalc: "Lg()" is supported as equal to "Log10()" - Error Codes Tab: - 'Find What' can be translated to Regex and vice versa when switching the 'Find Type' - File Copier: - Destination shows free space even if no item is selected - Deleting output file on abort with better Atlas function instead .NET - File Renamer: - 'Find What' can be translated to Regex and vice versa when switching the 'Find Type' - File Scanner: New button for internet query - Folder Analyzer: - Swapped the two buttons in the size view to make it consistent with other views - Ctrl-Break can stop very long recursions - Move in own folder: Skipping those files in the list that were moved already because having the same filename - Scheduler: - Snooze duration can now be specified by an extended notation as in the 'DateTime Calculator' - Add Quick Event: Calendar is prepositioned on date in the box - Tab key skips buttons like "Mo" aso. - String Hunter: - Folder list supports now also '-' - 'Find What' can be translated to Regex and vice versa when switching the 'Find Type' - Results tab: File name column has now more functions in the context menu - Text Expert: Guessing the encoding when a file is processed - Empty Trash bin shows now the available free space - Dropboxes now show the full text as tooltip - Automatically quoting file expressions if needed - Saving App State: Processes are refreshed before saving - Settings are saved before the Windows Desktop is ended - Increase of responsiveness when other programs are doing a lot of renames in the background - Ignoring a 'NotSupportedException' thrown by .NET during the enumeration of directories if a folder is called '%LOCALAPPDATA%' (created by a bug in Windows 'servicehost') - Ignoring the new '.' at the end of the week name abbreviations in Windows - Updated for the changed query result from Google$ - Number format list sorted by name Corrections: - Explorer Extension "Move Up" function works also if the parent folder has the same name as one of the moved up folders, more checks are done and in case of an abort already moved items will be moved back - Permanent Apps: Go to Window works now also correctly if the app is an admin app - Showing the originating Scheduler entry of a message box - Exception when a paused backup is reloaded - Process Queue: Management of Copy, Compare and Backup processes. Copy process doesn't spawn a separate compare process anymore, it is integrated in the progress 50:50. - Backup Steps Window: Sometimes display of the path of another step after the 'Action' was changed interactively - Scrolling the new item in a grid into view - Infinite loop in rare cases when multiple processes aborted - Reading ISO DateTime in Arabic culture - Suppressing irrelevant error message "Invalid argument 'index'" - Calcuverter: No error message on activation with a clipboard text if the input box is empty - DateTime Calculator: Accepting more english words in the non-english app setting - Swapping of calculation in DualTypeCalc - ToolTips of dropdown boxes of enumerations - Double translation of log messages resp. line breaks in them - If scheduler event is deleted also remove from filtered view - StringHunter replace: Sporadic "File not found anymore" after dir rename - Quoted File Expression with '-' inside - Compatibility with Long Paths - Drop insert line removal (more work around the DragLeave GetPosition() bug in .NET) - V2.1: New: - Spell Checking: - Global on/off removed. The implementation of the .NET Framework was too slow in case of long texts. It delayed the whole input process and made the app nearly unusable. Now Spell Checking is activated in each box seperately if needed by the function in the right-click menu. - Custom words can now be added to a custom lexicon. This list is persistent and commonly used from all Atlas apps. There is one lexicon per language. - Backup: - New button "Add Folder->Folder" - New button "Duplicate". The button "+ Row" now simply appends an empty row. - Currency Converter: All existing powers of ten are read from Atlas server and are supported (eg. also "da") - Dictionary Merge: Can now also merge WPF custom word dictionaries for the Spell Checker. - Drag & Drop now possible from tab to tab: If pointed to the header of another tab during the dragging, the program switches to this tab - Dual Type Calc: All existing powers of ten are read from Atlas server and are supported (eg. also "µ" and "da") - Tab 'Process Functions' where you can let Mighty Desktop execute an action as soon as a program is getting idle - Folder Analyzer: Generate Listing has a new option "List folder only if not empty" - File Copier: - New button 'Remove' at each row - New button 'Merge' in the overwrite dialog - File Monitor: - Shows a warning if too many events queue up - Clear panel button stops the waiting grid update tasks too - File Scanner: - New scan type for calculating the CRC-32 hash - New buttons to copy one file over the other - File Stamper: The buttons for picking a file time accept now also the drop of a file or folder - Process List tab: Button for showing the file properties - Quick Items: Button for resetting the invocation count - Start Process Command: New field 'If not running' - String Hunter: - Found items can now be started like double-clicked by Alt-double-clicking the icon - New button 'Merge' for merging the selected two files - Text Expert: New processing "Hex To Western ASCII" - Unit Converter: - Copy button can also copy with unit - All existing powers of ten are read from Atlas server and are supported (eg. also "µ" and "da") - Orders of magnitude like "Milli", "Tera" aso. can now all be combined with each unit name, for example "Terameter" aso. Such combinations are not in the list on the right anymore but only the basic units and all the magnitude words. - When calling from command line you can now also change the action arguments at several commands - File Explorer menu: - New item "Eject" to eject the selected drives - File Renamer: Button for carrying the find string to the replace string - Hotkeys: Right-Ctrl-P activates 'Installed Programs' tab - Number postfixes "R" (Ronna) and "Q" (Quetta) are supported - Tray Icon Menu: New menu 'Action' to start actions directly - Trigger type "Once after Boot" - Argument "TrashEmpty" resp. the File Explorer function of the same name can now also trash all empty folders inside into depth - Function "Mighty Desktop->List Folder" on a folder in File Explorer - On a drop multiple pathnames are concatented by " + " Improvements: - Backup: - Placeholders are supported now - More precise progress bar in case of 'Verify' on - Delete of Backup Set asks first - Currency Converter: - If multiple letter cases of a currency are found the matches are listed - If a path leads to an overflow it is simply ignored instead of stopping the calculation - Something like "1 EUR" can now also be swapped - DateTime Calculator: Shows '+' for time zones calculations - File Concatenator: - Generating the default for the output pathname recognizes now also "Title 1 of 2" - File Copier: 'At reboot' checks that it is a local drive - Permanent Apps: Multiple matches are also listed in the Log - ProcessBot and WindowBot process names are not updated anymore if the process pathName is renamed. Some processes renamed their folder or filename during an update which caused the bot items to malfunction thereafter. - Process Queue: 'Start Selected' button has now two modes, either continues the paused processes or runs them regardless of 'Max' - Unit Converter: - Some units added - Calculates now also with dual types like the DualTypeCalc. This allows for extremely big and small numbers. - Prefixes like "Milli" aso. can now be combined to any unit name. The prefixes are also listed in the selection pane. - Better positions and sizes of windows - Ending a registered non-ending process much quicker - More text boxes allow Ctrl-Z after clearing - Data Grid Clear All with ask box - Catching a FileSystemWatcher Exception at remove Corrections: - Actions Tab: - Message "QuickItem action name must be filled" - Copy/Paste/Drag&Drop of actions - Backup Steps: Coloring of inactive ones - Data Refresher: R-flag will be temporarily reset for the refresh - File Comparer: - Date comparison only once - Comparison allows for up to 2 seconds difference - File Copier: - Starts comparing in case of Max.Proc.=1 - At reboot improved - "Directory exists" exception - File renames if an external rename is performed are now only done in the grid of 'File Renamer'. This is because some programs do also rename files/folders just for versioning. - Folder Analyzer: - Biggest Files also checks the folder range - Total - Hotkeys: Key recognition didn't react in some cases - Intranet Scan: Skips possible V6 gateways - Process Bot: Sort of column 'Process Name' - Process PathName in Mighty Commands can be left empty - Process Results: Button 'Remove Non-existing' enabled - String Hunter: - File size is saved - No exception if only the letter case of a file or folder is renamed - Text Expert: Show character codes - Prevent godown operations while resume is in progress - Swap button can also swap expressions ">>" and "<<" - UNC drive works in locations where the free space was queried - Color of warning lines - Drag&Drop of Text and Combo boxes. Pasting comma lists is now by [Shift] instead of [Alt]. [Alt] clears the content before pasting. - Update of File Expressions at a file rename if they contain '+' or '-' - Names of items in the tray menu if they contain '&' - Starting processes: - Getting 'ProcessArguments' from the argument list - "/NonElevated" clears a possible "runas" verb if both are specified and is never passed to a program - Continuing multiple sleeping processes - Support for environment variables in folders of File Expressions - Width of tabs in textboxes that accept tabs - Window positioning and resizing - Adapted to .NET changing "\r\n" into "\n" on a save and load - Copy of Log lines removes superfluous CRLF - Fixing mixed character set strings - "Server was ended before it could send back a reply" - Function "Who has this open" switches RegEx off - V2.0: New: - LibreOffice documents are now also saved, restored or closed - The 'Arguments' column anywhere can now match by pattern too. But because arguments can be anything, a special notation '§any§', '§regexci§' and '§regex§' was introduced. Now the column 'Match Arguments' is not needed anymore and the text behind these keywords will be used as arguments if a process has to be started. - About Tab: In Admin mode there is a button "Start Non-Elevated" - Backup: Can now eject some drives at the end - Clipboard Recorder: Unimportant Popups can be deactivated - Data Refresher: New checkbox 'Verbose' - Desktop: Start button starts a new explorer even if one is running if [Shift] is held down - Devices tab: New button 'Show shared resources' - DualTypeCalc™: Function 'Avg' - Duplicate Truncator shows which duplicates will be truncated - Error Codes tab: If you enter "0x.." resp. while in Decimal mode it switches automatically to Hex mode - File Concatenator: - New column 'Number' for sorting - New option 'Remove Subsequent BOMs' which is useful for textfile concatenations - File Comparer: - Content comparison can now also list the differences if the files are not of the same length. The commandline call 'Compare' has a new argument to achieve this too. Note that the 'compareContent' and 'maxDifferences' parameters must now be specified as options, not as arguments anymore. - New button to paste two pathnames from the clipboard - File Copier: Can replace links by their target when adding - File Monitor: Button to remove non-existing items - Folder Analyzer: - 'File Filter': Can now contain a pattern expression with '+' and '-' - Listing: Can now also produce CSV output - File Splitter: New checkbox 'Split at Line End' - Locate Command: The found files are presented in a grid - Open Files: PID can be selected by pointing - Permanent Apps: New button "Go to Window" - Permanent Tab: - New horizontal tab 'Installed Programs' with an improved version of the 'Programs and Features' control panel. It can be used as a starting point and also to export the list in textual form. - Placeholders: Much more different data types can be formatted. Also new formatting 'QuoteDos' available. Applies to all Atlas applications published after 2022-08-24. - Process Properties: If the properties of "dllhost.exe" are displayed the process id that was given to it as argument will be translated into the process's name and added to the property list. This way the executed process can be identified. - Process Queue: Waiting processes can now be started individually - Process Variations: - 'Go To Process' now shows how many matches for each property - They are consulted in all tabs now - Quick Items: - New notation "Chapter "Title" of PathName" - Program names can be given without a directory - Recurrency Type 'Once' and corresponding reset buttons - Suspend Tab: Apps to close have now also 'Elevated?' - System Metrics: Shows now also some .NET metrics - Text Expert: - New horizontal tab 'Text Converter'. It can convert multiple files in one run and can also be called from command line. For a start it can convert between any known encoding. - Processings 'Unquote DOS', 'Encode URL', 'Decode URL', 'Build Unicode String', 'Product Key From GUID' and 'GUID from Product Key' - [Alt]-Clear just clears the 'Plain Text' box - Delete Duplicate lines ignores all invisible lines - Unit Conversions: 3 feet, 4 inches with comma now also processable - Toolbox: Device Manager handles the warning box for non-admin users in Windows 10+ - Verify Integrity: - Works for PGP also witout an 'Integrity File' - Can also read Sig files with two columns " " or vice versa - [Alt] at hash buttons inverts lowercase - Window Bot Tab: Displays more info on a mismatch - Windows Extensions Tab: - Button 'Jump RegEdit' to let RegEdit directly jump to a specified key - Commands 'Actions', 'BackupSets', 'Commands' - Double-clicking Mighty Desktop's notification window activates the main window. The text is now copyable. Improvements: - Completely overhauled process of process and window identification. All tabs do now use the same method consulting the Process Variations and consider the admin mode / user mode differences more. - Much quicker processing of the refresh of the Process List (less UI short-freezes) - Action comments are shown as combobox tooltips - Action Messagebox: If Enter is pressed in the input box for the snooze time the snooze button will be activated - Clean Temp Dirs shows the freed space - Data Refresher counts the files in the process phase - Dialog boxes without an owner now always on top - Dual type calculations can go more from decimal to double if needed - File Explorer popup on folder shows now both 'Analyze' functions. No need for holding Ctrl anymore. - File Explorer command 'Scan': Goes into depth on a folder if [Shift] is pressed. And doesn't immediately start the processing. - File Renamer: - Tests replacement string - Renames now with a stoppable background task - File Splitter: - Deletion of old parts much quicker - Folder Analyzer: - The total of all listed data is displayed - Hotkeys: - Circumventing the deactivation by Windows for unknown reasons - Simpler to add new ones - Process List: Zombie processes are not displayed anymore - Verify Integrity: new gpg gremlins also fixed - Watchdog: Can run multiple items manually - Date Pattern List: Month can now also be specified by short or long month name, also in localized version - Long running external program calls can now be aborted by Ctrl- Break - Scheduler: Can now also paste an XML of multiple scheduler events in sequence - File Explorer menu "String Hunter in these folders" can now be executed on multiple selected folders - Processes that require admin privileges can now also be started as a normal user by entering name and password of an admin - An input is only added to the history of a dropdown if it was processable. Avoids cluttering of the history. - Failures of setting the window for a started program now shows which action tried it - All dialogs support now zooming - Restarting the Windows Desktop was made mode robust and needs admin rights now (new in Windows 10+) - Restoring Log indent in case of exception - Resume: - File Explorer windows will now be restored first - Can now also be cancelled with the Cancel button - On a rename in File Explorer *all* inputs are updated, and even if they are written in localized names - Some more running tasks will be prematurely cancelled on app exit - Warning on exit if Timer or Countdown is running - Device messages show now also the volume name if one is available - Text Expert shows decrypted GPG output even if errorcode is not 0 - USB volume detection: Volumes of devices which don't return the correct serial number show now up. Detected at Kingston Data Traveler. - More diacritics can be correctly converted to UTF-8 for DOS outputs - Paths written with localized names are recognized as equal to the neutral ones - Go to Process: More info on a mismatch - No exception if outside entity closes a process during the closing of processes - Ignoring exceptions during clipboard query - Catching exception inside .NET if a device is removed - Avoiding .NET exceptions if a string gets formatted - Avoiding Microsoft/Windows Defender False-Positive message Corrections: - Adapted to several installation and deinstallation problems that can be caused by special Windows and .NET configurations - Adapted to different number formats on some Windows languages - Identifying processes replaces environment variables before comparison - Activate Quick Item command panel dropdown box - Backup Set: - Comments are stored - Paste/Drop of items - Backup: - Compare and merge button work now also for file expressions - 'Destination': It is allowed again to specify non-existing sub-directories of any depth - Color Picker stop after switching to another swatch type - DateTime Calculator: Hex values after "0x" or now also after "$" work after '+' or '-' - Desktop: 'End Gently' doesn't let Win10+ automatically restart the Desktop anymore - Duplicate Truncator: 'XyzFromTheEnd' and empty 'To' is handled correctly - File Comparer: Processing of arguments - File Concatenator: Processing of repetitions - File Renamer: Besides "{Number}" also a "{Number:..}" shows the number parameter fields below - Folder Analyzer Biggest Files: Select empty button - Locate Command: - Finds all now again - If an extension is specified in the name - Output is returned to a calling process even if the Log is filled completely - Permanent Apps: Run all doesn't start disabled entries - Copying of many ListView items - Obfuscated property names in the settings - Enabled state of the 'Trash' function in menus - Exception in 'BeginSpinningAnimation' - 'OperationCancelledException' is ignored - Exception of .NET if it should open the browse dialog on an unmounted drive - Handling of exception that are thrown during the clipboard query - Start process panel allows folders and URLs - Unit Converter: Decimal multipliers only read after numbers - Double suspend aso. blocked - Resolution of ".." in pathnames - Reset of progress bar for a retry operation - F1: Current tab name - File descriptions show the last modification time and size - The uninstaller was adapted for Windows 10+. Windows 10+ seems to interfere the restart of the Windows Desktop. Sadly now a restart is necessary. Uninstalling previous versions only works using - Update tasks during an unexpected a closing of the app - Install: Missing icons in non-admin installation - Uninstall: More adaptions to Windows 10+ specialties. By default only a Windows Desktop restart is done (as before version 4.1). There were rare cases seen where a restart of the computer was necessary. Hold [Ctrl][Shift] during the uninstall to do a computer restart instead of just a Windows Desktop restart. - V1.3: New: - Handling of elevated processes improved. Several objects have now an 'Elevated' flag, and the saved application states remember it and restart the apps in admin mode or else non-elevated. The paste/ drop operations do accept more of the other data types. - 'ProcessBot' tab: You can now automatically execute a Mighty Action if a specified process is detected - 'Process Variations' tab: You can specify a pattern for processes that change their identification parameters at each reboot. - Applications to Close got a 'Go To Process' button - Suspend-Resume: - The wait for internet box is now represented by "INTERNET" in the 'Wait Pattern' - Hold [Alt] to close also all File Explorer windows - Permanent Apps: New column 'Wait Pattern' - 'Binary File Viewer' - New checkbox to get a view of all identifiers in the file - New button to list all string resources in the file - Boxes for File Patterns now have also 'Start' in their right-click menu - Currency Converter: Understands also '->' and '=>' - Drive Speed: - Can now also test by only reading - New button to carry over the average speed to DualTypeCalc™ - DualTypeCalc™: - New button "Average" to calculate average price of multiple lines with units and their prices - Many more functions can now be calculated in the 10-based type 'Decimal'. Increases the precision nearly by a factor of 2. - More checks whether type conversion forbidden - Duplicate Cleaner: - New filter buttons for image, audios or videos - Duplicate Cleaner Result Window: - The length relation is always also shown - New button to show media infos with Multimedia Xpert - [Alt]-Play starts the original - [Alt]-Trash removes the duplicate AND original - Emptying trash bin of a drive shows now the freed space - File Comparer: New button to send files to File Scanner - String Hunter: - Can now search in multiple folders, or if empty in all active drives - Allows 20 results in Basic license - System Safety Functions: New buttons 'Run Autoruns', 'Run Process Explorer' and 'Run Process Monitor' - Unit Converter: - Understands also '->' and '=>' - Understands still english even if app is running in a foreign language - Conversions to short data types allow numbers in the negative or upper half range - Calculations with 'double' data type extended and fully precise now. Enhances the convertable amount a lot. - Without the amount at the beginning 1 is assumed - 'Sep' is now also active for hex and binary - Text Expert: New processings 'Swap Assignment' and 'Escape Regular Expression' - Watchdog: - New 'Add Row' button - Actions: - Can now have arguments that are passed to all commands at execution - Can have now an optional comment - Can now be added to the Process Queue - Action MessageBox has a new button "Go To Action" - Host IP name lookup: New button to make a "Who is" for it - New placeholders for picking parts out of a path name - Spell Checking can be activated in the Settings for all text boxes with phrases in them - Permanent Apps can now be copied and pasted from the clipboard in XML representation - Tray icon popup menu: - New menu 'File Center->Eject->Drive X' - New entry 'Permanent->On/Off' - Add Quick Event window: - Separate buttons for each step - Explorer Extension: - Clean Duplicates: - Second menu item for cleaning by looking up - [Ctrl] will compare by name instead by content - By default into depth, [Shift] will keep it shallow - Stamp: Works also on folders - Command line command 'Exit' - Clearing Comboboxes now with [Ctrl][Shift][Delete] to evade clash on editable combobox Improvements: - Process identification uses now the quadruple anyhwere in the program to account for the fact that PathName and Arguments are sometimes hidden to Mighty Desktop by the system - Action MessageBox has now in addition 'MaxWidth' and 'MaxHeight' as parameters - Adapted to the cmd.exe 'title' command bug - Backup: Removes an R-flag at the destination - Command line command "Delete" has now separate 'Quiet' and 'IgnoreR' options - Desktop: - It's now possible to just restore the apps or just the Explorer windows - Duplicate Truncator: - Keeps the 'Last Modified' stamps unchanged so the order will stay unchanged - Copy of items in the list possible - File Copier: Displays the error when op is rejected by Win32 - File Renamer: - Check whether the new pathname is rooted - More renames in the app do update the UI lists - If a series of renames encounters a problem in the middle they can be undone - Adding quicker by factors - Folder Analyzer Biggest Files: - Entries can now be copied to the clipboard - New button for viewing in Binary File Viewer - String Hunter: - Double-clicking the path will show the file in the folder, not just opens the folder - Duplicating an Instruction duplicates all the history list entries of all histories - Mighty Command 'Start Process' for a folder: If the folder is already open it will just be activated, and with '/NoActivate' this can be suppressed too - Resume: Shows the pathname also in non-admin-mode - Scheduler: Not using a recurrence smaller than 1s (takes too long to calculate) - Settings: Test whether the file to import can be loaded and that the version is known - Several dialogs: "+" button now always available, asking for the new name - Undoing file/folder operation: No log message if the stamp stays unchanged - Notify Icon: - More functions change their names when modifier keys are pressed - Exit function ends also all other instances - Log window: - If a text is marked, in the menu functions this text is taken instead of from cursor - If a pathname is started and it it's not a textual file it will be run like on a double-click - Clean TEMP folders: Handles now also the Windows TEMP folder even if in non-admin mode - File Explorer popup is now also displayed on a click in the background of a folder - File Expressions: '\' must not be doubled anymore - Output lines with a CR at the start will overwrite the previous content - More types accepted when pasting or dropping - Path name case correction speed greatly improved - More data in file related error messages - Images smoother at the edges - Accelerator keys updated Corrections: - Backup: - First term in 'Source Pattern' now supports quotes too - Numbering of the steps - Backup Command: - Set name persists - 'Quiet' visible - 'Verbose' doesn't change input - Command Shell: Opening a shell works also if script box empty - DateTimePicker box keys, eg. 'n', Page Down - Duplicate Truncator for folders - File Copier: - No question about R-flag when removing the main directory at a move - Refresh button - File Comparer: No exception on illegale pathname - File Renamer: Check for 'ToIndex' - Intranet Scan: MAC address determination - Reformatting Paragraphs: Analysis of the first line - Increased Long Path compatibility - Locate Command: Doesn't find a file without extension - Moving folder to trash ignoring R-flags works also if one of the items inside has the R-flag - Name of MRT.exe - Circumvented a memory leak in .NET's 'ListBox' used for the 'Log' panel - Play Audio Command Panel: Soundnames ComboBox - Scheduler: Clearing all weekdays while filtered - StringHunter: - Carrying over the values from another instruction - Unprotection of protected files during search - Execution from command line - Text Expert: - HTML to Text: Ignores remarks - RTF to Text: Retains more blanks - Explorer Extension: Using up less resources - Tooltip of switches - Some button icons dim more in disabled state - V1.2: New: - Tab 'Duplicate Truncator' in 'File Center', also the call from command line and the new command - 'Binary File Viewer' can now produce a text file with the whole file content - Switch "System Safety->Network Connectivity Status Indicator" for more privacy - Add Quick Event: Shows now the first recurrence datetime too - Processing Results: Button to show the Multimedia Info if a file is a media file - At the end of the setup a warning about the SmartScreen blockage is displayed Improvements: - Desktop Tab: Save buttons support [Alt] to save to disk - DualTypeCalc support the characters '¼', '½' and '¾' - FolderAnalyzer: Biggest Files can be invoked from command line - Restoring from trash is removing a zero-size item from the destination if there Corrections: - ArgumentOutOfRange for the end time of a queue process - ArgumentNull at Ping - FileRenamer: - Update of items in grid at rename - Busy spinner while analyzing - Folder Analyzer: Selection of the empty items - Process Queue: Switching to Results when queue gets empty - Quick Items: Generation of default name now gets active - Alt key shortcuts - V1.1: New: - Add Quick Event: +15' button changes when modifier keys are pressed - Clipboard Recorder: Double-clicking an image will show it - Command Shell tab: - New checkbox "Scroll Output to End" - '^' at the end is now also supported for joining lines - Currency Converter: Can now copy with currency appended - Desktop Shortcut: Delete button - DualTypeCalc: - It's now possible to enter any formula for the two-number calculation. 'Unit Price' button was renamed to 'Two Numbers'. - File Protector: - On the right, the effective state of protection for each file is now visible - Folder Analyzer: - New button 'Biggest Files' to list all files in the folder ordered by size - New button 'Create Listing' to produce a textual listing of the content of a folder - Settings: A list of trashable files can be specified which will be used for 'Trash Empty Items' - System Safety: Button to start Microsoft's Tool for the removal of malware - Command line argument 'ScanForOpenFiles' has more possibilities and the File Explorer extension has a new function 'Who has this open?' Improvements: - Binary File Viewer can show a file while processes writes to it - Color Panel: Can now copy the color value without Alpha - Circumvented a file in use bug in .NET when setting stamps - Command Shell: 'As Admin' checkbox can now be ticked even if started in non-admin mode - DataGrid starting Drag&Drop, selecting rows - Desktop Shortcut: Constant update of the "exists" status - F1 key opens the page to a subtab, not only to the main tab - File Copier shows destination in red if not enough space - File Monitor shows icon immediately - File Renamer checks that it doesn't rename two items to the same name - Function 'Change Case to Title Case' function: Words with dots inside are now recognized and capitalized - Initial folder for browsing for files or folders - Made the Settings.xml leaner - Move of file inside same drive works now also into a not yet existing folder - Read-only flags inside a folder are also checked when moving to the trash - Replacement of Dots is skipped in known dotted words - Quick Item add with union function - Setting files reduced in size which speeds up startup - Text Expert: - Extraction of unformatted text from RichText - Conversion to HTML now produces the better human readable named symbols like 'ä' instead of 'ä' Corrections: - Solved a bug in Microsoft's Offline Installer for the .NET Framework 4.8 when used on Windows 10 (message "An error occurred while installing system components ..") - About: Show ReadMe works now when no program for the .rtf extension was assigned on the machine - Backup: Verify working, clearing log at restart - Binary File Viewer not showing entire content in rare cases - Buttons 'To Trash': Ctrl pressed to not pressed corrected - Calculations like "1kB" if directly appended at number - Clipboard Item number is reset on clear - Columns of datagrids are now saved correctly - Currency Converter: More tolerance for letter case - Dictionary Merge: - Accepts environment variables and patterns - Default value - DNS servers list unique - Eject Command: Dropdown shows now all USB drives - Environment Editor: Read-only handling - File Comparer result is displayed on the tab - QuickItem name: Default production - Exception displaying window repaired - File Explorer menu - File Protector: Shows 'Modification' - File Splitter: Up/Down buttons enabled - History of visited tabs more unique - Icon Sets were scrambled by Obfuscator bug - Intranet Scan for special regional formats, speed improvement, roundtrip time is shown - Issues if the program language was different from the one in the 'Region' control panel - Limits of the movable separator lines - Mighty Commands: 'Verbose' will now be interpreted as true if not filled, as it should - Replace Tabs by Blanks Command: TabWidth can be left empty - Scrolling problems in Settings tab - Sliders show now translated text in localized version - Switching Language: Some more inputs are translated - Unit Converter: Types like 'int32' are not squared anymore - V1.0: First official release. Improvements: - A thousand (;-) Corrections: - Folder in use at delete problem - V0.3: - The entire application has now been extended in such a way that it can also process paths longer than 260 characters - V0.2 2019-02-15: A lot of changes - V0.1 2017: Created by Andres Rohr,, Certified Senior Software Engineer ETH,