Multimedia Xpert

Adding Subtitles to a Video






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The first step is to get the subtitles. If you don't have subtitles you can either download them or create them by yourself if you know both languages. For downloading we recommend our sister tool Atlas Subtitler. To create your own subtitles you can just switch to the Burn Tab and click on Text or Subtitles. Or, if you already have the video in another format and it has embedded subtitles you can extract all of them very easily using this step-for-step guide.

If you have already subtitles in the form of files, there are two methods to add the subtitles to the video:

  1. You can burn the subtitles into the images of the video. This is called Hard Subtitling. The pixels of the subtitles will be put on top of the images of the video. But be aware that you can do this only once and only in one language. So the resulting video will not be of much use for people speaking other languages. They will even hate it because their added subtitle files will overlay your burnt subtitles. For burning it is an advantage to have Multimedia Xpert, a program that can decode and encode about any video and subtitle format in existence. Just switch to the Burn Tab, load your subtitle file and burn them.

  2. The more preferred way is to add the subtitles as additional streams to the video. It's easier, quicker and can be switched off. But be warned that not all video file formats support all kinds of subtitle formats. And not all players can play any video format. So, depending on your intended player you would have to choose one of the formats that it can play and that supports subtitles. As a player we can recommend Videolan Client (VLC). As a default we recommend producing the format 'Matroska' (*.mkv). The following recipe shows which steps to take:
    1. Switch to the Convert tab and drop or add the video file

    2. For Output Specification select "Video Matroska". To choose another format you can click the link Video Comparison on the right top and read the chapter "Subtitle/caption formats support". For example the widespread MPEG-4 format doesn't support *.srt files. That's why "Video Matroska" is better suited.

    3. Press to switch over to the Output Specifications tab. The specification is automatically selected.

    4. Assert that in Output Subtitle Format the value "Subtitle SubRip" is selected and the checkbox No Subtitles is off.

    5. Press Apply and

    6. Push the button on the right of the video. A dialog to attach multiple streams will pop up. In this dialog you can add your separate subtitle files, for example *.srt. Press OK and the dialog will close.

    7. Focus on the column 'Stream Selection' and uncheck all subtitle streams coming from the input video

    8. Press Convert

If no conversion of the video stream is necessary it will take only a few seconds to add the subtitle streams. You can enforce that the video stream is transferred unconverted by editing the Output Specification and clearing the field Output Video Codec.


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