Multimedia Xpert Commandline Help ================================= - Start: Use "Start /B /Wait "WindowTitle" "Multimedia Xpert.exe" ...". Otherwise it will run simultaneously and ERRORLEVEL can't be returned. - Arguments (case insensitive): Convert [media1 media2 ...] [Spec name] [Output pathName] [Subtitles:bool] [Overwrite:Mode] [/Videos] [/Audios] [/Subtitles] [/S] Converts multiple video, audio or subtitle files using the output specification 'name' to the given output file. If a folder is specified it will be enumerated and all medias matching one of the specified filters will be added. If sufficient input is specified the processing is started else interactive mode is activated. Shift [video1 video2 ...] [+12:34 | -12:34] [Output outputPathName] [Overwrite:Mode] Shifts the audio or subtitles of multiple videos by the specified timespan. If sufficient input is specified the processing is started else interactive mode is activated. Concat [media1 media2 ...] [Subtitles:bool] [Spec name] [Output pathName] [Overwrite:Mode] Concatenates the content of multiple videos, audios or subtitle files to 'pathName'. If sufficient input is specified the processing is started else interactive mode is activated. Split [media] [duration [overlap]] [Output pathNamePattern] [Overwrite:Mode] Splits a video, audio or subtitle file in multiple parts. If sufficient input is specified the processing is started else interactive mode is activated. Burn [video] [Instruction instructionName] [subtitleFile | image] [Output outputName] [Overwrite:Mode] Burns text, a subtitle file or an image into a video. If an instruction is specified this instruction is loaded else the default instruction. If sufficient input is specified the processing is started else interactive mode is activated. Edit [Instruction instructionName] [subtitleFile] Switches to the burn tab and optionally selects a burn instruction and/or loads a subtitle file Scan [media1 media2 ...] Scans multiple video or audio files for defects Info [media1 media2 ...] Shows the format info of each video, audio or subtitle file OutputSpecs Lists the names of all Output Specifications MaxProcesses number Sets the maximum amount of queue processes to IsQueueEmpty Returns ERRORLEVEL 0 if the Process Queue is empty, otherwise ERRORLEVEL 1 SaveSettings Instructs the main server to save the settings Abort Aborts all processes. Partial output is removed. EndMainServer Ends the main server instance (first Multimedia Xpert instance) ClearLog Clears the content of the 'Log' panel - Overwrite modes: Ask, AppendNumber, Overwrite, ReplaceInput, Elsewhere, Skip - Options anywhere on the commandline: /Activate[:bool] True: If the main window is visible (see /Show), it will be restored and brought to the front. False (default): No change on the windows current state. /Audios Filter audios /Quiet Does it quietly without showing a confirmation window or messagebox with the reply /S Enumerate items in subfolders as well /Show[:bool] True: Will show the main window during the processing False: No change in the window state /Stay[:bool] Will go to interactive mode after processing the commandline /StayBefore[:bool] The commandline arguments will be put into the dialog's fields but then go to interactive mode instead of directly executing an operation /Subtitles Filter subtitles /Videos Filter videos - ERRORLEVEL: See "Start" section. Possible codes: 1 Exception has occurred - Log: Technical error and status messages are written to the log file in the %appdata%\{AppTitle} directory. - Pausing/Aborting: The processing can be paused by [Pause] and aborted by [Ctrl][Break].