Multimedia Xpert

Process Queue





Shifting Audio
Burning Text or Image
Scanning for Defects
Process Queue
Output Specifications
Overwrite Management
Format Info
True GUI for ffmpeg
Explorer Integration
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A process that was initiated in one of the other tabs will be added to the Process Queue. The queue will execute as many ffmpeg instances in parallel as you allow it (multitasking).

The estimated end time is calculated and displayed. Using Drag & Drop you can change the order in which the files are processed.

Max. concurrent processes: Depending on the processing power of your system you can select how many ffmpeg instances you would like to execute simultaneously. You can change this number during the processing.

Temporary stopping processing: If you have multiple entries in the queue but would like to pause the processings without losing processing time, you can set the number of running processes to 0 and press 'Apply'. This will not have an immediate effect and no processes will be aborted, but no new processes will be started. After the current processes have finished processing you can quit Multimedia Xpert. The process queue will never lose its content. After restarting the left over waiting processes can be started.

A different option for pausing processes is by the provided pause button. If you pause them this way ffmpeg will still left running but in pause mode. In this state exiting Multimedia Xpert will abort what was already processed up to this point.

Priority: You have also the possibility to lower the priority of the running processes so your system stays responsive at all times.

When finished: You can select what happens at the end of all the processings like

  • Sound: You can choose a system sound or even your own MP3 and tell it how many times to repeat and how loud
  • Close: Just closes the app
  • Logout of the current user
  • Suspending the system
  • Shutting down the system, either a normal one or a Mighty Shutdown ( Mighty Desktop is another of our programs).
  • Executing an Action: With this you can make Multimedia Xpert do practically anything you want. In the field you can specify the name of one of the Mighty Actions previously configured in Mighty Desktop. Such actions are unlimited in their possibilities. Turn on an external device, eject a mounted drive, call another program and give it the finished media file, whatever you can think of, it can be done.

Abort: If Multimedia Xpert aborts a process the output file will always be removed. It will never let a partially processed file lying around.


Using the results

After a process is completed, it is moved to the list 'Processed Files' on the second horizontal tab. There you can view the result and perform other functions with it.

Alternatively, you can view the result where you had started the process. In data grids, those buttons with a green background are always the ones that do something with the output file. There is always a play button, which starts the file. We recommend installing the free player Videolan Client (VLC) as the default player. If your default player can't play a media, press the play button while holding the [Alt] key. Then 'ffprobe.exe', a part of the ffmpeg package, will be started as player. This is a very rudimentary player, but it can play practically any medium in the world.

: If you have changed something in the input file, you can start the same processing again from the beginning. Please note that the stored Output Specification parameters are used, not the current ones, if you have changed the specification afterwards.

: Here you have a quick possibility at hand to download subtitles to the video. The button will start a new Atlas Subtitler instance (another one of our tools) and hand over the pathname. With just one more click the subtitles will be downloaded, prepared and can then be displayed when playing the video.

: For further processing you can send the media to another application. For each type of media (video, audio or subtitle file) you can specify a command line in the Settings that will be used to call the corresponding external application. For example, you can send the file to a video editing program with a single button press and save a lot of time.


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