Version History =============== - V2.8: New: - Adapted to work again with the newest ffmpeg packages - Find and Replace: - 'Find What' can be translated to Regex and vice versa when switching the 'Find Type' - If find type is 'Regex' escape sequences in the replacement string are interpreted - Probe size of ffprobe can now be changed in the Settings - Refreshed Digital Certificate Improvements: - Greatly reduced startup time by caching ffmpeg output Corrections: - Null reference at Shift button - Checking the burn texts works also if the sort order is not sorting by 'From' - Switch to Processed Files if queue empty - Icon in Windows Programs list - V2.7: Improvements: - Convert Tab: The folder buttons accept also dropped files and will automatically filter for videos resp. audios - Process Queue: Start selection button can also start waiting processes and also if the maximum would be exceeded - Shift Tab: - The folder buttons accept also dropped files and will automatically filter for videos resp. audios - An error is displayed if the file doesn't contain at least 1 video stream - Import of MicroDVD format works also for those with "[..]" - Improve Burn Texts: The option "Replace ß by ss" was renamed to "Convert German Notation to Swiss" because it now also controls the replace of numbers in german notation like "10.000,50" to the swiss "10'000.50". The numbers must stand there as a separate word or enclosed by currency characters. - Info texts: - Are cached as long a the file's date doesn't change - Main window of app is shown in case of an exceptions - More Xpert hints if a conversion fails - ffmpeg attach instructions can be copied to the clipboard - Priority of ffprobe processes is now also determined by the setting in the 'Queue' tab - Example pathName takes first one in list if nothing selected - If a UTF-8 subtitle file contains incorrectly converted special characters like '♪' they will be repaired Corrections: - Split works again, can read the duration of a video - Adapted to newer versions of ffmpeg which can return time as "N/A" during conversion - Dropping files on the head of tab 'Format Info' works again - The Audio Bitrate and Audio Channels are passed to ffpmeg without a mapping number so that they apply to all streams - Exception Update Index -1 - Current values of selected Output Specification stay untouched if another ffmpeg is attached - Copy of Log lines removes superfluous CRLF - Process start time saved and reloaded - Scrolling the new item in a grid into view - Preventing exceptions resulting from unsymmetrical firing of 'Loaded'-'Unloaded' events of WPF TextBoxes in DataGrids - Infinite loop in rare cases when multiple processes aborted - Reading ISO DateTime in Arabic culture - Suppressing irrelevant error message "Invalid argument 'index'" - Double translation of log messages resp. line breaks in them - V2.6: New: - Burn Texts: - Find and Replace dialog. The corresponding functionality of the "Improve" dialog is now there. - Ctrl-Up or -Down on 'From' or 'To' can add resp. subtract an increment in milliseconds which can be configured in the 'Settings' - Duplicate row is now Ctrl-D instead of Alt-D - In case of an error the row is marked yellow - Got the Atlas context menu now with more functions - After reopening the app the view will be positioned to the last edited text before leaving - Process Queue: Waiting processes can now be started individually - Output Specifications: - Spec for WAV added on the server Name="Audio WAV", Codec="pcm_s16le", Bitrate empty - 'Bits per Pixel' is now displayed right of the Pixel Format - The option strings can now access the input and output path names - Placeholders: Much more different data types can be formatted. Also new formatting 'QuoteDos' available. Applies to all Atlas applications published after 2022-08-24. Opens up the production of listings in CSV format. - Spell Checking: - The language of the Burn Texts can now be set explicitely by a combo box because it can be different from the the current app's UI language (Settings). On a load of a subtitle file with known language it will be automatically preset. - New button to skip to the next spelling error - Custom words can now be added to a custom lexicon. This list is persistent and commonly used from all Atlas apps. There is one lexicon per language. - Special words can be ignored for the run of the current session. But at Atlas you get that for all text boxes in the session, not only for one single text box as in 3rd party apps. - The Check button can now also do a spell check. - If pointed to the header of a tab during dragging & dropping, the program switches to this tab Improvements: - Adapted to changes in newer builds of ffmpeg than V4.4. Attaching those works now too. - The number of lines of the biggest subtitle is now displayed at the 'Check' and 'Improve' button - Wrapping subtitles respects new paragraphs that begin with "- " or "— " and also a possible BPH (Break allowed here) character - Convert Tab: If folders are dragged onto the grid during an open "Select Videos" dialog only videos in this folders will be added. Same for audios. - When attempting to add the same processes to the queue a second time, they will be skipped as before, but the loop is not aborted - Process Results List: - 'Always Show End' now as one box - Double-click on 'Result' now opens the built-in text viewer - All dialogs support now zooming (which is remembered) - Output Specifications: Delete button asks confirmation - No tooltip at ffmpeg manual query result - Multiple format info requests can be stopped by Ctrl-Break - Opening location of windows for the very first time - Avoiding .NET exceptions if a string gets formatted - Subtitle files don't write warnings about missing bitrate - Clear Private Data: Cleans bak and log files too - Better positions and sizes of windows - Log Window: Message with "aborted" is painted red Corrections: - F1: Current tab name - Turbo Concat: - Generating the default for the output pathname - Updating of estimations - Output Specs: - Speed and Volumes outside the slider range will be persisted - Output File Format of the current spec is persisted if the ffmpeg path is changed - Processed Files: - Refresh button - Enable state of "Delete non-existing" button at app start - In case of a processing error the output file is now deleted in all circumstances - Replace Input: The processed file shows the replaced name - Change of Burn Text Width without line break at end - Color Picker stop after switching to another swatch type - Drag&Drop of Text and Combo boxes. Pasting comma lists is now by [Shift] instead of [Alt]. [Alt] clears the content before pasting. - Reset of progress bar for a retry operation - If pasting a processed file into the other lists - Width of tabs in textboxes that accept tabs - Dispose of Controls - Data Grid Clear All with ask box - Install and uninstall - V2.5: New: - Some tabs have now buttons for downloading subtitles to a video using Atlas Subtitler - Convert and Turbo Concat Tabs have a new column 'Bitrate' - Convert Tab: New button for multifile renaming with Mighty Desktop's File Renamer - Burn Tab: - Insert can also insert a row AFTER a subtitle - Concat: New column 'Number' for easier sorting - Concat command from commandline can now specify the name of an output specification - Output Specifications: New input box 'Before Input Options' which will be inserted before all the input files. The existing 'Input Options' was renamed to 'After Input Options' (they were in reality inserted after, not before) - Settings: New button "Clear Private Data" - The commandline command 'Convert' can now also process whole folders - Command 'OutputSpecs' lists all names - Command 'ClearLog' - Command line option "/S" Improvements: - Burn Parameters Tab: Double click on 'Text or Subtitles' switches to the 'Texts to Burn' tab - Burn Tab: - Much easier to enter many subtitles in a series. Tab can be used for all fields during input and selects the entire content of 'From' and 'To' boxes. Ctrl-I to insert a TAB. A new row is automatically added if TAB is pressed on the last row's 'Text'. If [Ctrl][Enter] is pressed same but cursor goes to 'Text'. - Duplicate inserts directly below without sorting - Check: - Old list is put in undo storage - Empty entries from 0..0 will be removed - A warning will appear in the log for all texts with empty time range or content. Holding [Alt] they will be removed. - Embedded expert explains the reason for the ffmpeg message "Filtering and streamcopy cannot be used together." - Audio options omitted if no audio in output - Extract Subtitles: Extracts only the selected ones except you hold down [Alt] - Media Info window has play button too - Title of multimedia info window with file name - Images smoother at the edges - Clearing Comboboxes now with [Ctrl][Shift][Delete] to evade clash on editable combobox - Long running external program calls can now be aborted by Ctrl- Break - Context sensitive help for Log panel - Restart in Settings as admin if user is admin - Avoiding Microsoft/Windows Defender False-Positive message Corrections: - Burn Texts: - Check for negative times - Malfunctions after using drag&drop - Concat: Passes the given codec instructions of the specification to ffmpeg - Format Info: Efficiency of query of ffmpeg manual - Color depth -1 is not displayed anymore - Editable Comboboxes like 'Output Path Pattern' have now the context menu also on the content (.NET bug) - Output is returned to a calling process even if the Log is filled completely - Copying of many ListView items - Enabled state of the 'Trash' function in menus - 'OperationCancelledException' is ignored - Exception of .NET if it should open the browse dialog on an unmounted drive - Playing a video finds now also the player if it is only defined in the Registry - Install: Missing icons in non-admin installation - Uninstall: More adaptions to Windows 10+ specialties. By default only a Windows Desktop restart is done (as before version 4.1). There were rare cases seen where a restart of the computer was necessary. Hold [Ctrl][Shift] during the uninstall to do a computer restart instead of just a Windows Desktop restart. If the uninstall of a previous versions fails you can still use Microsoft's program - V2.4: New: - Settings: New setting 'Subtitle Gap' - Burn Texts: Shift-Doubleclick on 'From' inserts the followup time plus the gap - Output Specs: Width x Height clear button - Spell Checking can be activated in the Settings for the burn texts - App argument 'EndMainServer' Improvements: - Extracting subtitles: Multiple subtitle files for the same language are detected and a number is automatically appended - All output pattern boxes have now more popup functions like "Insert PathName at Cursor…" - Common errors when extracting subtitles are detected and explained in the Log window - More hints with solutions when the conversion reports an error - Burn texts: Paste texts from clipboard can now also process XML - Restoring from trash is removing a zero-size item from the destination if there - Processes use nearly no processing power while in 'Paused' state - Buttons 'Trash' anywhere: [Shift] instead of [Alt] to delete permanently, analog to File Explorer and also Mighty Desktop - "+" button of Output Specs and Burn Instruction now always available, asking for the new name - Settings: Test whether the file to import can be loaded and that the version is known - Protocol window: If a text is marked, in the menu functions this text is taken instead of from cursor - Path name case correction speed greatly improved - Strongly reduced memory consumption in case a huge amount of errors are displayed in the 'Log' panel - More data in file related error messages Corrections: - Convert: When changing the output path after a canceled processing the new path is now applied, if the mode is 'Elsewhere' - Scan: Can scan any file format also if initiated from File Explorer or commandline - Split from commandline: Goes to interactive if not enough data to start the split operation - Join: One media with looping allowed as input - Circumvented a memory leak in .NET's 'ListBox' used for the 'Log' panel - Setting the Streams without empty box test - ArgumentOutOfRange for the end time of a queue process - Alt key shortcuts - Tooltip of switches - Multiple concurrent aborts don't produce errors - Explorer Extension: Using up less resources - V2.3: New: - Media Info Window: You can now directly trigger the conversion, scanning or copying of the displayed file - Output Specs: Button "1080W" - Convert tab: You can now drop folders on the 'Add Video Folder' and 'Add Audio Folder' buttons - Shift Audio tab: - Shows now also the Codecs - You can now drop folders on the 'Add Video Folder' and 'Add Subtitle Folder' buttons - Turbo Concat: - Can now also concat videos of different resolutions - Output pathname shows whether file exists Improvements: - DataGrid starting Drag&Drop, selecting rows - Double adds of the same media are skipped automatically - Color Panel: Can now copy the color value without Alpha - Initial folder for browsing for files or folders - Read-only flags inside a folder are also checked when moving to the trash - Missing fraction separators in timestamps will be recognized and added (crashed Dreambox) - Test for part number in Split pattern Corrections: - Solved a bug in Microsoft's Offline Installer for the .NET Framework 4.8 when used on Windows 10 (message "An error occurred while installing system components ..") - Retry button of Concat works now - Executing commands by Mighty Desktop - History of visited tabs more unique - If an overwrite is skipped the whole process continues also in the other processings, not only in Convert - Refresh buttons - V2.2: Improvements: - Converting: - New button "Mighty Copy" to send files to Mighty Desktop's File Copier - New button "Set Selected Streams" - Output Specifications: - 'Output File Format' dropdown box shows now all the common extensions of a format - Buttons for standard framerate - 'Pixel Format' now shows only those usable for output - Process Queue: - New column with a datetime when to start a process - The finishing actions will also be executed now if MaxProcesses is 0 and the last active process ends - Doubleclick of 'Result' shows it in the standard text editor - New functions in the context menu on 'Process' to explore the input and output file - New configurable button 'Share' to send the produced file directly to an external tool. - Format Info: - If you drop folders on it it will display the infos for each file that could be a video, audio or subtitle file - New link 'Audio Comparison' on right top - Burn Text: - Insert Subtitle File box size adapts to name - Settings: - The estimation of the subtitle durations can now be altered - New 'Max. Undo operations', controls the List of burning text - The navigation was extended. You can now go back and forward between the last 10 tabs by pressing arrow buttons. This works even after restarting the app. - The font selection box has now the possibility to filter for monospaced fonts - Additional subsequent check whether the ffmpeg process has really produced a usable output file - When a second instance is started and the waiting processes are cancelled the output of the first instance is not removed anymore - Doubleclicking a file or folder's icon starts resp. opens it - Dropdown lists can be cleared by [Ctrl][Delete] and Drag & Drop into them is now also possible - Paste of a folder pathname from clipboard now pastes all the usable files inside - Dropping file shortcuts in some lists automatically adds the target file instead of the shortcut - You can now also drop files and folders also on the horizontal tab of the main window. It will then switch automatically there. - The placeholder syntax was extended. Now multiple terms can be specified and a format can also be applied to any data type - Call syntax from commandline extended - Cache system for the correction of letter cases of filenames made more efficient - Priorities for icon updates shifted more to the background - For the mode 'Elsewhere' the last used pathname is used as default for the overwrite box - F5 everywhere clicks the visible refresh buttons - Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End in the Log window - Half transparent startup banner, also click transparent Corrections: - Convert: Attached streams are now transferred unmodified - Some US localization issues - Usage when placed on a secondary monitor - Concat: Specification parameters, Tooltip and progress - Window arrangements are correctly maintained on multiple monitors and the retrieval into the visible area works better now - Drop of a text with pathnames works again, empty lines are ignored - More compatibility in case of long pathnames - Null exception at Convert or Extract Subtitles - Folder in use at delete problem - Adapted to turkish character specialities - V2.1: Improvements: - Output Specifications: - Overwrite Mode can now be set to Elswhere and Skip too - Settings: - NEW functions 'Export' and 'Import' to transfer your entire settings easily to another computer - The entire application has now been extended in such a way that it can also process paths longer than 255 characters - The app now also runs on older Windows versions like eg. Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. A bug of the .NET Framework 4.8 prevented the downloading of data from the Atlas server on these operating systems. Corrections: - Drag & Drop - Output Specification's Pixel Format now correctly enabled - V2.0: Improvements: - Added Drag&Drop to several grids. You can even drag to other apps or between instances of Multimedia Xpert. Also copy&paste of rows. - Output Specifications: - NEW! It's now possible to create specifications for the extraction of subtitle streams. - NEW! Conversions can now extremely sped up in the case that some streams are already present in the correct format. You can just leave 'Output Video Codec', 'Output Audio Codec' or 'Output Subtitle Format' empty which will just transfer the streams of the corresponding input type directly to the output. - NEW! You can now write textual options for ffmpeg using multiple lines. This can improve readability by a lot. - It's now possible to choose in what format subtitles tracks should be encoded - NEW! There is a new checkbox "8-bit Color" to enforce encoding of the color of each pixel in 8-bit depth. This is necessary for all players that don't support more than 8-bit (eg. Dreambox/VU+). - The Quality slider is flipped so that 'Lossless' is now on the right side (maximum is usually right at horizontal sliders) - The volume can now be set by a slider - The Rotation type can now be set by a single click - A 'Back' button is added at the bottom (same as on the right top) - New link on the right top to the format overview in Wikipedia - Convert tab: - NEW! Additional tracks can be added to the output file by pushing the paper clip button. Examples are usually additional audio or subtitle tracks. - NEW! Subtitle tracks coming from the input file can now also be converted and put into the output file. There is a new checkbox 'Try convert subtitles' for that. But be aware that ffmpeg issues strange error messages if a subtitle track can't be processed. You can still switch off the checkbox. - NEW! If a video contains multiple audio streams and you wish to extract the audio, there is a new column where you can select the stream. The same goes in analogy for subtitle streams. - NEW! There is new button "Extract Subtitles" which can be used to extract all subtitle streams into files directly beside the video with just one click. - NEW! The file length is displayed because sometimes you convert only for making it smaller. With this you can compare it to the length displayed in the 'Processed Files' view. - The rows are checked for duplicates and they are automatically removed - The last "File Open" folder is now remembered even over the closing of the app - The icon of the media is now displayed in the list - Shift Audio tab: - You can now also use it to shift the content of subtitle files of many different formats - NEW! A button was added to start Atlas Subtitler's Shift dialog (integration). If a subtitle file is selected it will be handed over to it, otherwise it will just show the dialog. - The rows are checked that they don't denote the same file - Split tab: - NEW! It's now possible to split also subtitle files. In the current version it's still limited to these formats that can be processed by Multimedia Xpert, not those known by ffmpeg. - NEW! You can now also enter any number in the 'Parts' field - Queue tab: - NEW! The processes can now be paused to free processor time for other tasks - NEW! There is a new horizontal tab inside this page that shows all the processed files. There you can play them with a single click. Non satisfying files can be moved to the trash directly with a single click. If a processing was aborted, for example because there was no time, you can restart the processing by clicking a button. The maximum number of files that should be kept can be set in the Settings tab. A button "Remove Non-Existing" was added to quickly eliminate entries with moved or deleted files. - NEW! You have now one more option which is to log the current user off at the end - NEW! A running process shows now an estimation for the remaining duration, not only the end time - The end action will be set back to nothing after it was used - You can now call any action defined in Mighty Desktop at the end. Extremely useful. - Overwrite Mode: - NEW! There are two new options 'Elsewhere' and 'Skip'. 'Elsewhere' allows to specify a new name interactively for each file that is produced. 'Skip' just skips the processing if the output file is already there. - Turbo Split tab: - NEW! Can now also split subtitle files - Can extract the media duration also from subtitle files - Does now display a warning immediately if a file is selected that doesn't provide duration info - Turbo Concat tab: - NEW! You can now select which streams should be concatenated - NEW! The files can now be sorted from old to new modification timestamps by pressing on the column header of the column 'DateTime' - Added files are now selected after a multi-add so they can easily be removed if you are not satisfied - The analyzer for building the default for the output filename was improved. It can recognize even more name formats now. - The last "File Open" folder is now remembered even over the closing of the app - Burn Tab: - NEW! Substation Alpha (.ass) and WebVTT subtitle (.vtt) files can now also be read - NEW! A new button "Insert Subtitle File" was added and the time for the insertion can be specified. This allows now for a new possibility of merging multiple subtitle files into one. This can be useful for example if you have a video with separate subtitles that was previously split in multiple parts (CD1, CD2). - NEW! The new button "Extend" can be used to show subtitles longer (add or subtract time at the end of each subtitle). - NEW! You can now drop a text on the text list and it will be inserted at the insert line. The start time will be after the previous one and the length is calculated from a typical speaker who would speak the inserted line. - NEW! A guess of the duration of a subtitle can be put in. At an add of a new subtitle, if you modify 'Text', 'To' will be recalculated, until you enter something into 'To'. This will then fix it. - NEW! There is a new function to recalculate the starting times of the selected subtitles in the popup menu - NEW! You can now manage multiple fonts for the text to burn just by selecting one in a combobox - At a change of 'From', 'To' will automatically be shifted by the same distance. - In the color dialog you can now also select predefined colors in a dropdown, write several different notations in the color textbox and also drag & drop colors there. - SubRip files with coordinates (X1:..) can now also be read but coordinates will just be stripped. - Scan Tab: - Can now scan any kind of file, also non-media - Optimized the speed of the scanning. Much quicker now. - The rows are checked that they don't denote the same file - Format Info: - An overview of the possible subtitle formats is now available - The filter criteria now knows more and returns more results. It also finds input- and output formats that contain the search string in the extension. What's more, the search process is now updatable from our web site. This eliminates the need for frequent program updates. - NEW! There is a button "Find in Tool Help" right of the filter box. This will scan through the help that is built into ffmpeg.exe and search for the filter string. - The hint right of the search box is now made more visible - The window with the infos can now be zoomed by Ctrl-Mousewheel and the zoom size is saved - Button to save a textual list of all formats and codecs and open it was added - The whole top part of the window and also the tab header part serves now as a drop target for files, not only the button - Settings Tab: - A duration can now be specified for the finishing sound so the intro of many music songs can be used too. - Options for playing a media with your standard player and also for playing with ffplay can be specified - The abstracts on the top of some tabs can now be hidden - Overwrite Question window: - NEW! When multiple items are checked and a file is existing at the destination there is now a new option to just skip this processing but continue with the others. - A possible read-only flag of the overwritten file will be reset - New buttons 'Copy' and 'Paste' on multiple dialogs which you can use to copy a textual list of all the pathnames in the grid to the clipboard or pasting them from there. This way you can save lists you often use to a text file or also edit lists there. - A new function "Edit Subtitles" will appear if right clicked in File Explorer on a file with extension ".srt" or ".sub". The function can also be called from commandline. - Play buttons anywhere do now also support playing with ffmpeg if you hold the [Alt] key. You can specify options for it in the Settings tab. - The placeholder '{Now}' is now recognized in all input fields - In all processings it's now possible to produce output into subfolders of any depth without requiring the folders to exist. All the folders will just be created. - In the case of a test whether a file exists at the destination a zero length file will be deleted - When adding resp. dropping folders, pressing [Ctrl] will omit the files in the subfolders - All data grids have now a command "Invert Selection" in their popup menu - The media info window can now be closed with [Esc] - The licensing dialog will recheck the status every minute and close if the license is ok - The Log window will now mark errors and warnings with diff. colors - The popup menu commands in File Explorer are now gathered in one submenu "Multimedia Xpert". The commands are executed by the first started Xpert instance. This reduces the start time greatly and the log output can't be overwritten by another instance anymore. - Revised the whole Drag & drop process. You can now drop items at your preferred position into a datagrid (insert them) and also rearrange multiple selected items by dragging them to another location. - Improvments on the the entire Color selection dialog. Especially the possibility to resize and sliders for all values. - Commandline control has more possibilities now - Extreme speed improvement at enumerating files by replacing the slow C# calls by lightning fast Win32 calls. Increase is by a factor of about 20 or more. - Some improvements on the font selection dialog - Browse for file dialogs now retain also the selected filter - The folder browse dialog now keeps its position and frame (low level workaround for the built-in .NET dialog) - More responsive to [Pause] and [Ctrl-Break] in several locations - Second repair trial of .NET's dialog for folder broswing. Now also bringing the initial folder into view in any case. - Codec queries in the background handle tolerate now invalid data in media files Corrections: - Convert and Shift: In the mode 'Replace Input' the green buttons in the grid find the output file now (you could still use the non green buttons up to now) - Split: Overwrite mode can be changed - File Format Filter clear button works - Streams of unknown types don't disable the stream list display anymore - Improve subtitles: Replace History remembers now - Circumvented an endless loop that was occurring inside .NET in rare cases when calling ffmpeg or ffprobe - Green 'Back' buttons work more reliable now - Closing of app while processes are running improved - If the 'Burn' function is executed in File Explorer with a video and an image the two files are detected by extension - Because of an unknown name dependency of File Explorer extensions our extension had to be renamed. If you experience missing entries in the popup menu of File Explorer for functions of other applications please re-register these functions in their settings dialog or reinstall the corresponding application. Sorry for the inconveniance. - Undo function of texts to burn does a full copy now, and works if more corrections than the size of the history - Grid settings of the Process Queue are also saved now - Specifying own music songs as finishing sound works now better - Spinning waiting icons in the queue circumvented (.NET bug) - V1.0: Created by Andres Rohr,, Certified Senior Software Engineer ETH,