Atlas Informatics

Products & Services

Atlas Informatik offers the following products and services:

Development of WPF applications

WPF applications
are more suitable for client/server appliances. We develop WPF programs of all kinds, from simple tools to complete applications up to application production systems. This is done either on the basis of our self-developed application production system or by deriving from other programs we produced earlier.

More on Development hier

Conversion of older application (eg. WinForms) to WPF (porting)

WPF applications are more attractive from a visual point of view and have a greater user comfort than all other technologies. If you give a customer the same program once as a WPF application and once in an older technology, he will clearly choose the WPF application (reasons see here). It is therefore worthwhile for you or your company to appear with WPF applications on the market. They avoid an image damage in the long term and you are not in danger of being overtaken by the competition. Since it is the latest technology from Microsoft, the longevity is guaranteed.

More on Conversions hier

Consulting for WPF/Silverlight and .NET

Atlas Informatik has ETH graduates with more than 20 years of know-how in the IT sector. Since 2009, we have been using the WPF technology. In the meantime, it has become so sophisticated that you can build applications of any size in a short time. If you need support for building a WPF application or a WPF application system, we can provide you with valuable know-how. It took years until we gained it, as a partner, you can now benefit from it.

More on Consulting hier

Data acquisitions

We program data transfer programs from one system to another, no matter how complex the interfaces are. The transfers can be set up in such a way that they constantly wait for changes in the source system and then automatically transfer the changed data to the target system.


Here are some examples of WPF applications:hier

Weitere Produkte / Shop

Atlas applications stand out from the masses by an above-average experience during the usage.

  • Atlas products, eg. whole applications: hier

  • Shop with licenses for products hier


  • Support for a product: Usually there is a page with support info for each product. Please navigate to the product in question above.

  • Support for everything else: here
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