Atlas Subtitler






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For those people who have a NAS, a special video box like Dreambox, VU+ or just a big storage drive, there is a built in Copy/Move process that allows to directly put the video and its subtitles on them.

Usually you will have nearly the same destinations over and over again. That's where the history list comes in handy. Just click on an entry to take it over to the To Folder. Right beneath the field the free space on the target drive is displayed. If it's not enough you will get a warning triangle.

The copy function has the advantage that a file can be read at the destination while the transfer is still running (provided the format is a purely sequential one).

The move operation has one more advantage over the Windows move function: After each one file the source file is deleted, not just after the whole bunch. This means that you will get free space immediately when moving files to another drive.

The options on the right side, Subtitles and All Subtitles in the folder, can be used to just transfer the subtitles. This is comfortable if you already copied the video files and downloaded the subtitles after that.

Because the copying/moving can be a long running process you will see a progress bar and an estimated end time.

Do: You can select what action should be performed at the end of the operation. If you use Shutdown PC be sure to save all of your open documents in all applications before leaving the PC. Otherwise Windows will wait for your decision what to do with the document forever and not shut down the PC. Mighty Shutdown calls another of our tools called Mighty Desktop and then makes a so called "Mighty Shutdown", which means it saves the state of the running applications, the open Windows Explorer windows and the locations of all icons on the desktop beforehand, so that they are restored the next time you start the PC.

Priority: Choose how much processor time should be allocated to the task. Idle means that the task is only proceeding if the processors have some free time left. This should have nearly no slowing effect on other tasks on your computer.

The Background button will put the window of this copy operation into the background and you will be free to continue with other tasks inside Atlas Subtitler, for example downloading other subtitles. You can put as many copy operations as you wish into the background. If you try to end Atlas Subtitler you wil get a question dialog whether you want to abort all these operations and leave or just stay in the program.

If a file exists already at the destination you will have the following possibilities:

If the file at the destination has a different length a warning sign and red letters will alert you of that. This helps avoiding that different files will be skipped accidentally.

The button Skip Same Length can save you an enormous amount of transfer time since it skips the existing files only if they have the same length. Usually this only transfers changed files. But if a changed file has the same length as the original this will go wrong. So be advised to use this button with caution.

At the end you will get a report of how many files were overwritten or skipped. You can also let Subtitler exit, let the pc go to sleep or shut it down.

As a difference to other copy programs Sutbtitler never leaves partially copied files on the drive. These will always be eradicated for clean up purposes.

The progress bar is also displayed in the Subtitler's icon in the taskbar (green=ok, yellow=paused, red=conflict). If you want to free up the PC for another task the copy/move operation can be paused. If you decide to abort the process you will be asked if the already copied files should stay or not (also something I'm missing from Windows Explorer).

More Control

If you have multiple videos to copy and want to have more control over the transfer, consider using the File Copier, a part of our ultimative swiss knife tool Mighty Desktop. There you get a transfer that can even be paused and resumed for a reboot without time loss, have control over how many transfers are running at the same time and at which time, the possibility of playing the video at the destination while still transferring, setting the process priority for each transfer, executing any conceivable ending Action and more.





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