Multimedia Xpert

Installation finished


Welcome and have fun testing Multimedia Xpert!

Answers to frequent questions:

  • If Mighty Desktop does not appear for a long time after installation, not even on double-click, see here.

  • If Windows pretends that Multimedia Xpert contains a virus, please read about False Alarms here.

  • Please don't miss the practical tips in the Online Help for the corresponding tab (F1 key in the program) or here. Our help pages are different from some other vendors. We don't produce these automated dull help pages but rather easy to read ones and we constantly add a lot of useful tips for the daily work. So, please take a look at them.

Last improvements:

  • New:
    • Adapted to work again with the newest ffmpeg packages
    • Find and Replace:
    • • 'Find What' can be translated to Regex and vice versa when switching the 'Find Type'
    • If find type is 'Regex' escape sequences in the replacement string are interpreted
    • Probe size of ffprobe can now be changed in the Settings
    • Refreshed Digital Certificate

    • Greatly reduced startup time by caching ffmpeg output

    • Null reference at Shift button
    • Checking the burn texts works also if the sort order is not sorting by 'From'
    • Switch to Processed Files if queue empty
    • Icon in Windows Programs list




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