Atlas Subtitler

Menu Functions





Program Infos
Downloading Subtitles
Synchronizing Subtitles
Preparing for a Player
Player Profiles
Copying to another Drive
Subtitle Servers
Menu functions
Movie Settings
Dreambox Settings
Application Settings
Command line control
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3rd Party Reviews



A short description of the menu functions:

Copy/Move: Copying or moving of the video and its subtitle files to another location

Rename to Title: Renames the video to the content of the 'Title' field. All associated files and folders will be renamed too. Associated means that it will restrict the renaming to matching titles. For example if you are in folder mode and your file structure looks like "Title\Title S01E02.avi" it will automatically only rename files that have "Title" as name plus optionally a season and/or episode notation somewhere inside. If the folder is just a season and/or episode name (eg. "Title\S01\Title E02.avi") Subtitler will pick the title from the parent folder. If a name contains a season or episode number it will be carried over to the new name. Read-Only flags of the files are ignored.

Replace Dots: Similar to above. Replaces all '.' and '_' to ' ' in the video's name. All associated files and folders will be changed too. Read-Only flags are ignored. You can choose to execute this function each time a video or folder is entered in the main dialog.

Normalize Season: Subtitler recognizes a mutlitude of different season and episode notations. This function replaces the season and episode parts in the file name to the standard "S01E02". You can choose to execute this function each time a video or folder is entered in the main dialog.

Remove Spam in Filename: Some servers insert their name into the filename to make advertising. This function removes many of the known server names. The list is a result of analyzing hundreds of file names and updated daily from the Atlas server.

Remove Apostrophes: Removes all ' characters in the video's or folder's filename. All associated files and folders will be renamed too. Read-Only flags are ignored. You can undo the renames by 'Undo->Last Renames', even after restarting the app. The reason for this is that some video boxes like the Dreambox/VU+ have a bug at renaming such files. The rename operation fails without issuing an error message (had do find out the reason first (;-), not a good programming style). So this operation just removes them, you can do without it.

Change Case to Title Case: Changes the capitalization of all words in the file or folder name to first letter upper case and the rest lower case. A word is delimited by a space or a period. The conversion is only carried out if a word is written entirely in upper or lower case. This prevents special words such as "SpecialWord" from being changed.

Place in its own Folder: Sometimes you like to have the video and its associated subtitles in one folder for cleanliness. This function creates a subfolder with the same name as the file and moves the files inside.

Take out of its own Folder: Reverse of the above function. Moves the video and its subtitle files up to the parent folder and moves the folder to the trash if it gets empty. Hold [Shift] to trash it even if not empty.

Trash Samples: Sometimes a sample folder is included beside the video. If you have seen it or don't want to spoil the story of the main video just remove it. The function collects all files and subfolders that contain "Sample" in their name (case insensitive), displays a confirmation box and moves them to the trash. Read-Only flags are ignored.

Trash Advertisements: In the same way as samples some folders can contain advertising files like site logos or spam. The function collects all known advertisement files, displays a confirmation box and moves them to the trash. Read-Only flags are ignored. The match list is a result of analyzing hundreds of video compilations.

Trash Orphans: Scans for orphaned files in the folder and its subfolders and displays them in a box. If you press OK they will be moved to the trash. In file mode the folder of the file is the start folder. Orphaned files are those files that are not besides their main file, for example subtitles that are without their video. Additionally on the Dreambox/VU+ this means files that are missing their *.ts files (eg. *.ts.cuts and others). The fact that there are always such cases shows that the delete function has a bug that let's it forget some files. This function repairs that.

Trash Info Files: Sometimes a collection contains additional textual files with some infos in them. This function collects all known info files, displays a confirmation box and moves them to the trash. Read-Only flags are ignored. The match list is a result of analyzing hundreds of video compilations.

Move to Trash: Moves the file or folder to the trash. If a file is selected its associated subtitle files will also be trashed.

Scan for Defects: Scans the content of the video for sequences of NULs. This is usually a sign that data was corrupted. This can be a result of a partial download, file system error, aborted write operations, signal distortions or media that is failing (DVDs, flash drives). Usually the corrupted part will be filled with zeros (NULs) and the size will be a multiple of the block size of the media. Most video players will just show a blank screen for this time or simply skip the passage. It can be very frustrating if you started watching and are abruptly stopped somewhere in the middle. This function analyzes how many percent of the video is corrupted. Windows has some built-in possibilities to read out video properties of some of the wealth of video formats. You can see these properties in the right-click-properties dialog of a file in Windows Explorer. If Windows provides Atlas Subtitler with a film duration (HH:MM:SS) it will also show how long the corrupted parts will be if you play the video. This will help you to know in advance whether it is worth watching or not. Besides: Another of our tools, Multimedia Xpert, contains this function too and can show the duration for any kind of video and also repair some small defects. Also to mention, you can configure the minimum block size that will be identified as erroneous in the Application Settings.

Undo Last Renames: Renames back the renames done by the last rename function. That works back until the very first one and even after Subtitler was closed in the meantime. If some files can't be found you will be asked if you want to continue or stop the renamings. Conclusion: There is no reason to be afraid of the renaming functions in Atlas Subtitler.

Redo Last Undos: Executes the last undone replacements again. You can do that multiple times.


Copy to Main Subtitle File: Copies the first found language (by your preferred order) to the main subtitle file without language extension.
Use this only, if your video player supports only a single language. In this case the file must have the name '' to be found (eg. Dreambox). Which profile will be used can be set in the Application Settings.

Prepare Main Subtitle File: Prepares the main subtitle file for the player that's chosen in the Application Settings. Read-Only flags are ignored. While this is not necessary for all subtitles that were downloaded with Subtitler, as they are already automatically prepared, the function is useful for subtitles that are already there and stem from another source.

Select Language: Copies one of the existing languages over the main subtitle file.

Edit Main Subtitle File: If a processing program has been specified in the Settings, this will be called. Otherwise, the main subtitle file is opened like on a double-click.

Trash Main Subtitle File: Moves the subtitle file that has the same name as the video to the trash. Read-Only flags are ignored. From there it can still be restored later on if needed.

Get from Subs Folder: Sometimes there is a folder named 'Subs' inside the video's compilation folder. This usually contains several subtitle files for different languages. This function checks the folder 'Subs' (case insensitive) whether there are subtitle files for currently missing languages (of your favorite ones) and copies them up.

Explore Subs Folder: This function opens the folder 'Subs' (case insensitive) in Windows Explorer if it exists.

Trash Subs Folder: Moves the folder 'Subs' (case insensitive) to the trash if it exists. Read-Only flags are ignored. From there it can still be restored later on if needed.

List Languages: Produces a list of all subtitle languages that are available to the current file or folder. This will give you an insight whether you will have to look for more. Naturally you could also click on the link on the right side below the file or folder in the main dialog. But there you will only see the ISO codes of the languages. If you hold the [Ctrl] key while executing the function it will show you all languages that are there, even if they aren't in the list of your preferred languages. The order is such that the preferred languages are listed first, then followed by possible others.

Trash Unwanted Languages: Scans all selected videos for subtitle files and moves those to the trash that contain languages which are not in the list of your preferred languages. Read-Only flags will be ignored.

Shift: Shifts the timing of the subtitles (lets you synchronize them with the spoken dialog)

Prepare for Player: Prepares one or more subtitle files for a certain video player.

Measure Maximum Width: This helps to find out the maximum number of characters a player can display in a single line of a subtitle. You can select a video and Subtitler will copy a subtitle file with subtitles of different lengths next to it. Then simply play the video and observe at which length the line is wrapped.


Web search: A movie title is constructed from the fields 'Title' to 'Year', skipping empty fields. Then a browser search for the movie is started using the pattern defined in the Movie Settings.

OFDB search: Searches the OFDB (German Movie Database) for the 'title' and optionally the 'year'. You can also activate the Advanced Search dialog of OFDB by holding down [Alt].

IMDB Search: Searches IMDB (Internet Movie Database) for the 'Title' and optionally the 'Year'. You can also activate the Advanced Search dialog of IMDB by holding down [Alt].

TMDB-Search: Searches in The Movie Database (multilingual, including English).

Add to Seen List to Open Seen List: After you have set up the seen list in the Movie Settings, you can use these menu functions to ask whether a movie is already in the list or whether it should be added if it doesn't exist. To determine which movie, the fields 'Title' to 'Year' will be consulted. Together they form the name of the movie resp. episode. Empty fields are simply skipped.


Subtitle Languages: Sets the languages in which the downloaded subtitle files should be written

Movie: Defines the settings for the playing and managing of movies

Login Parameters: Sets details about the Login on servers with subtitle files.

Player Profiles: Sets Properties of the used Video Players

RemoteSubz™: Set the RemoteSubz™ settings

Application: Sets Properties that are used application wide

Dreambox/VU+: Sets some specialities that are only available if you have a Dreambox or VU+ in your network

Clear Log and Histories: Purges all the info that could give away what you were doing with Atlas Subtitler. The log will be cleared as well as all the dropdown box histories and the copy to destination histories. Beware that also the undo of renames will not be able anymore.



Show Video Info with Multimedia Xpert: Starts Multimedia Xpert and displays the full infos stored inside the video. Such infos are for example the codec type, bit rate, frame rate, height, width, author, comments and more.

Scan Video with Multimedia Xpert: Starts Multimedia Xpert and scans the content. The scan of Multimedia Xpert has the advantage over the one in Atlas Subtitler to be able to display the duration of the damaged playing time. And the scan can be performed in the background and even temporary stopped.

Convert Video with Multimedia Xpert: Starts Multimedia Xpert, switches to the convert tab and enters the video pathname. Multimedia Xpert is one of the most comprehensive Video and Audio converter on the market. It knows hundreds of different video and audio formats. And it can also extract the subtitles of a video and convert it into SubRip format.

Split Video with Multimedia Xpert: Starts Multimedia Xpert, switches to the split tab and enters the video pathname. The split can be performed in the background and even temporarily stopped. Splitting can be useful for ease up uploading if length limits are given.

Edit Main Subtitles with Multimedia Xpert: Starts Multimedia Xpert, switches to the subtitle editor and loads the main subtitle file. The save button is also already preset for saving to the load location. The subtitle editor has a lot of useful functions to work with subtitle files.

Burn Main Subtitles into the Video with Multimedia Xpert: Starts Multimedia Xpert, switches to the burn tab and hands over the video and main subtitle file to burn. Please note that burning subtitles in is not the recommended way because it can't be corrected ever and it's not usable for people speaking other languages. It can be even annoying for them if they want to display their own subtitles because they overlap each other.

Multimedia Xpert: Starts Multimedia Xpert, another of our applications. This tool can be used to convert videos and audios, join videos and audios, split videos and audios, extract tracks (video, audio and subtitles) from a video, burn text, subtitles or images into a video and get the full information about the used codecs of a video or audio. It can handle almost any known file format, and this in a correct way.

Copy/Move Files with Mighty Desktop: Collects all relevant files and transfers them to Mighty Desktop's powerful file copier. It even allows a restart during copying. The transfer simply continues afterwards. And of course it can do much much more. In the case of a folder: Hold [Ctrl] to hand over all files inside inside (without subdirectories).

Rename Files with Mighty Desktop: Collects all the corresponding files and hands them over to Mighty Desktop's powerful File Renamer. You can even use Regular Expressions to give them a new name.

Mighty Desktop: Starts Mighty Desktop, another of our applications. This tool is a huge desktop extender that can do a thousand things that you were missing all the time. For example it can restart your PC and remembering each and every application that was running, all open Windows Explorer windows, all icon positions on the desktop and restore everything again with exactly the same window arrangement. And that's only one of the thousand features it has.


View Help: Depending on the currently selected dialog, the web page created in the browser is called up in the browser. The same happens when you click on the small question mark in the upper right corner of the dialog.

Tips for using the VLC Player: Opens this web page in the browser

Licensing: Every PC has a so-called 'ComputerId', which characterizes the PC. A license means that you can use the Subtitler on the PC with this computer ID in full functionality. In this dialog, the Atlas web server checks whether and for how long this license is valid. With one button, you will be redirected to the webshop, where you can buy a license in a simple way at a small price.

Product Website: Invokes the initial page for this program in the Atlas website in the browser.

Recommend: Retrieves a webpage on the Atlas server where you can recommend Subtitler to your friends using various other web services such as facebook. Please do this, as you will be able to further the development of this product, which will also bring you an advantage.

Find us on Facebook: Invokes the Atlas Informatik website in Facebook. There you could add a subscription (it's only an info subscription, has nothing to do with licenses), so you are always informed what's coming. Also, such infos will always appear in the Atlas News.

Feedback: Displays a dialog where you can write us a small text with your new ideas, what could be improved, a thank you or what is going wrong.

Donate: Displays the payment details where you can donate. Every donation helps us a lot in the further development of this program. So far more than 1000 hours of work have been invested in Atlas Subtitler.

About: Displays a dialog with version info and more. Special mention should be made of the fact that the change history is visible there.


Please note that in folder mode, Subtitler only processes those videos in the folder that have the same title as the folder itself. This ensures that videos of other films that happen to be in the folder are not processed accidentally. If the menu functions inexplicably do not process anything, you should check whether the folder really has the same title as the videos in it. You can see what title Subtitler sees by checking the 'Title' box of the main dialog after you selected an item.




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